If you acknowledge one side as worse than another it isn’t centrist. That would be taking a position.
The fence sitting of centrists say both sides are bad and not dealing with issues is why centrists are hated. They don’t offer anything other than the ‘Both Sides’ argument.
At least that in what I have gathered my observations.
Biggest issue with the article. NO male voices, and it’s repeating the same lines I have heard since the mid 00’s.
Now I acknowledge that there hasn’t been much movement on the dating front, but men are only half the problem, as they are only half the population.
They would change in a hurry as a group if they needed to, but men aren’t a monolith and neither are women.
You want men to be better, be better yourself. The article is garbage by saying men need to step up while not talking to them about the issues they face in the dating world. ESPECIALLY if they aren’t Hetronormative.
Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth (lemmy.ml)
Class War > Culture War (lemmy.ml)
Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. (www.nytimes.com)
Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.
You guessed WRONG! (slrpnk.net)
Oatmeal raisin are amazing. Surprise oatmeal raisin is not
I just might get away with it.... (feddit.de)