No, Autism isn’t caused by vaccines but the risk of vaccines for everyone is not zero. It’s just the amount of people affected are in the .00X% or .000X% range.
Something, something, dpressive chemicals, something something, addictive compounds, something, something, withdrawal, something something, why would your god allow that to happen?
soak and jump hump (
Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT. (
Try it (
A lesson in Input Validation (
Oh No, anyway (
Yummy Mummy (
Quick quick quick (
IDF be like (
Goth GF Meme Analysis (
You are great (
I know some of y'all can relate (
Let me see Uranus.. (
Little ones (
Anime girl spitting out facts. (
Sadge (
Awesome strategy (
El paso! Ándale wey (