other people in the thread are more detailed but as hong kong protested being swallowed up he licked the boots of the ccp with his public statements. Hes a shill at this point pure and simple. There is some personal stuff about him but for me I have friends in hong kong. Can you imagine being swallowed up by russia and one of your own saying how its only right and natural and really you are russian. I won't watch a film by him at this point. I think karate kid was actually the last one I saw and I did not really think of it as a jackie chan movie or I might have skipped it. Wish I had as it was pants. Pretty much should do that if I hear a smith child is in the movie at this point.
zorin is sorta the opposite of what you ask. its a distro that seeks to emulate windows and its functionality. then also it makes it as out of the box as possible. so it has pretty much any application you need preinstalled including wind along with play on linux so you can install windows things pretty easily.
yeah I find I can enjoy it if I just try not to think about the series. The big issue is the way gender worked in the universe (fictional universe for anyone who is going to get triggered) with magic. By having her search for boys and girls it discounts a pretty large plot point later. Not sure how they are going to deal with it when it comes up other than gloss over it.
Yeah I should really have not used the term nowadays. Thing is that folks in the past could not do anything like this to mitigate it. They did not have the option. If you where in the position to need it you might find your decision to not utilize it to be endlessly horrible.
Problem is the true benefits will be seen if we convert all cash assitance to a citizens income. No one losing out because they can't navigate the beuracracy and only a minimal staff is needed for issues with no "work" being done to determine if they are eligible.
Can't argue that they aren't ugly but im the kind of guy that is utility and function are all that matter. Much to my wifes chagrin. I have a black pair I call my bussiness crocs for the office.