A towel over the windshield the night before instantly clears any ice or snow when you remove it. It’s faster than any scraping or product, and you don’t waste fuel warming up the car.
I usually will call out loudly to someone throwing trash on the floor and let them know they dropped something. With the exception of one dude, everyone immediately picks it up out of embarrassment and throws it away. The one dude, in reference, looked at it and said, “That’s not mine”, to which I said I saw him throw it and pointed to the nearest trash can and said he needed to pick it up and throw it there, he eventually did and we both moved on with our lives, otherwise I would have been forced to use the “Your mommy isn’t here to clean up after you” card.
Not really, because you wouldn’t be able to see anything or hear anything if time stops. Even light particles would stop moving, and your eyes would just see flashes of light as you move through space.
So, this is something I’ve also wondered. My main use for a truck is pulling the camper to the mountain, but I’ve heard that putting premium fuel just before your trip will help you, but that does not make sense as premium fuel is less volatile because it’s meant for higher compression rates in more performance tuned engines.