
That’s me every evening


Honestly that’s nothing compared to WWI, the great depression and WWII

Adori, avatar

So basically baby boomers had it easy


The problem these days is everyone is self centered and unwilling to work hard. I see lots of complaints about how the world has been unfair but in reality we are unfair to each other.


Nobody wants to work anymore

Tavarin, avatar
Tavarin, (edited ) avatar

People have been saying that same dumbass shit for thousands of years, here’s idiotic headlines from the last 150 showing you that every generation has said the same damn thing, and has been wrong every time:…/1480687955715431/?type=3&r…

HiddenLayer5, (edited ) avatar

The problem these days is everyone is self centered and unwilling to work hard


but in reality we are unfair to each other.

The last part of your sentence is correct. So maybe the reason everyone is “unwilling” to work is actually because they are unwilling to be exploited. Considering how capitalism utterly failed to regulate the market and wages are still piss poor despite every CEO and their henchmen crying about the labour shortage, when according to capitalist theory the solution should have been to immediately raise wages as the low supply and high demand of labour necessitates higher prices. That’s the excuse they give us when they jack up the prices on food and basic supplies yet they reject the same logic when applied to workers.


I think there isn’t much alternative to a free market. As it turns out everyone is ready to exploit everyone else.

problematicPanther, avatar

I don’t know man, I don’t think I’d fuck over human beings just to make a few bucks. But then again, I don’t call myself a capitalist.


Joke’s on you. I’m past 35 for the next economic crisis.


Who doesn’t love a good old “stock market correction”, where rich people lose money that never existed, and claw back real money from the poor.

anarchy79, avatar

On the cheap, too! Almost as if… by design. .


Don’t we already have like three “millennials after facing 3 major crises in their lifetime” memes? Why did we need a will smith one? They’re all the same joke with different pictures.

GladiusB, (edited ) avatar

The economic crisis are also just the same crisis of capitalism with different pictures. Did that make them stop and make changes to the system?


Not mention there are millennials that have been over 35 for the last 7 years.


If the meme quota is not met, we might see crisis #4 start.


The right response to this meme would be that other meme: first time?


What I mean to say is : this bullshit is of all times.

Just look back in recent history. A long string of wars and economic downturns. GEN Xers have everything you have and the wonderful 70s, 80s & 90s added to the mix. You know, the never ending Vietnam war, Afghanistan, iran, gulf wars, yugoslavia, kaukasus, latin america in flames and a lot of other bullshit.

Economics? Ad to present day woes the oil crisis, housing crisis of the 80s where 15% mortgage rates meant that yes, housing was cheap and no, nobody could pay the mortgage and that bullshit in the 90s which I cant remember by name. And the burst of the 00’s.

We all want it to stop. Like forever. But you know the line :

Money talks , bullshit walks.

The money is talking. We’re just sitting here bullshitting. And, to end with that other meme, apparently: this is fine.

Because we in Europe are all voting hard right and across the pond people seem hell bend on the return of the orange faced demented warrior. And can we really blame 'em? Because what choice do they really have? Grandpa1 vs grandpa2? A competition about whose dementia is the worst? What’s this? The soviet polit bureau of the 80s? ?

So. Yes, you reap what you sow.


we didn’t start the fire


We got through the economic crisis? I never got them memo guys.


You’re typing on a device, on a recreational website. You made it, this is as good as it gets now

XTornado, (edited )

The 2008 one yes. The new one…we haven’t had a recession yet… So not even started it.


I got through the 2002 burst that kept me un(der)employed for 3 years. Then the 2008 economic crisis.

rimjob_rainer, (edited )

I’m 33 and I don’t mind. Be glad you didn’t have to fight in a WW with 16. Or starve to death with 12 in the middle ages.

Stamets, avatar

I’m 31 and I do. I’d rather be dead.

HerbalGamer, avatar

32, also wish I was dead


Don’t look now but the entire goddamn planet is hurtling towards another WW


Nah, you’re just worked to death and still not able to own a home instead


I mean, technically boomers saw Korea, Vietnam, Cuban missile crisis, Yom Kippur, (sorry if it’s misspelled), and the 70s oil crisis. I think the world has really just been interesting all this time


You say interesting, but I find the slow decay of our society as it’s eroded by greedy corporations to be rather dull.

Azzu, (edited )

Or you could look at the progress of science, morality and general kindness.

Your view is also valid. There are good and bad things to turn your focus on.

I’d personally rather live in 2023 than 1923, so for me, the total change seems generally interesting/good.


I mean as an educated white man, 1923 doesn’t seem all that bad to me…


Does 2023 look worse for educated white men?

Stamets, avatar

Yes. Granted not due to being a white educated man so much as a human who doesn’t have loads of money or influence. At least in 1923 you didn’t have every corporation trying to micromanage your life and life was affordable.

Azzu, (edited )

Maybe not 1923 exactly, but you can look at Europe in that time… That was right around the time Mussolini got to power, and why? Because of white males (and more) facing a cost of living crisis. America at that time had the “golden 20s”, true, but then you go a few years later and the fucking great depression starts, probably the biggest cost of living crisis there was.

And then also compare the standard of living from that time with now, even though we are struggling, our standard of living in general is much better than it was at that time due to technology and other factors.

Right in the middle between two world wars you’re going to experience and probably die in.

I’m not saying you are wrong in the sense that all is good now, and that it doesn’t suck majorly for a lot of people, all I’m saying is that I think you overestimate how good the past was.

Stamets, avatar

And I think you underestimate how much my life sucks.


Not really, I haven’t made any assumptions about your life. I’m sorry that your life sucks.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

They also got to own their own homes.


And affordable education.

And wage growth.

And job availability…

SpaceCadet, avatar

And affordable education

Depends on where you where born I guess? Living in Belgium, my boomer parents never got a higher education because it was not affordable for working class families with 6 or more children. My dad had to go to work in a factory at 14, which was very common at the time. Props to him though, he got a degree through evening classes when he was already married with two children and working full time.

Higher education only became common and affordable with my generation.

On the other hand, while I make more money than my parents ever did, they were able to buy a 4 bedroom house in the 1980s on a working class income, whereas I could only afford a 2 bedroom appartment in the mid 2000s, the tail-end of affordability for housing.


While it’s true that I was speaking from an American perspective on a time period that definitely saw different situations in the US vs Europe, I would also say that the experience you’ve shared shows a similar effect, just in a different environment.

Your father (to his credit) was able to work his way through night school while supporting a family and (presumably) not incurring a mountain of debt.

The notion of working one’s way through college is something that was certainly difficult, but also certainly doable in the time when the boomers were in their 20s and 30s. Many of them still think that it’s possible to work a part time job while you study to pay your way through college and graduate with little to no debt (and use that perspective to pass judgement on anyone who doesn’t do that as lazy).

These days, a part time income may not even be enough to cover books, let alone room and board… forget about tuition. Honestly, it’s so impractical that it’s probably better for a student to not work and focus on study and health rather than try to mitigate debt through a side job.

SpaceCadet, avatar

These days, a part time income may not even be enough to cover books, let alone room and board… forget about tuition

This is again a more American perspective I think, which doesn’t make it invalid of course. The situation over there where students typically get loans and suffer crippling debt for years after they’ve graduated is frankly outrageous. Over here though, higher education is government regulated and highly subsidized, and while it’s not free and can still be pretty expensive, it’s possible to fit it within the budget of most families without loans, and people from families with a really low income are eligible for a grant.

So I’m going to stand by my point that in Belgium at least, education has become more accessible compared to how it was for the boomer generation. It’s visible in the statistics too: the number of people with a higher education level is still increasing every year, and younger people are much more likely to be highly educated than older people.



You forgot the 80s, 90s and 00s. Keep up. :)


I wanted to cover till their thirties to do the parallel with millennials


We got the back end of the nuclear threat and then Red Dawn

Drewelite, (edited )

People are so much more “connected” now. Everyone hears about everything that goes on in the world. Well, except the good stuff, that’s not engaging. This and modern popular culture has us focused on the state of the world, which we largely have no ability to directly impact. In the past, people have been more concerned with their community and bettering their immediate life.

Now, this allowed for us to bury our heads in the sand and ignore global issues caused by state actors and accept systemic issues. But it also often set people up for success. The problems modern people are expected to solve is shit like climate change. Which, you know, is impossible for a single person to achieve. The irony is that we’re actually more alone. People today have fewer close friends and deep relationships than ever before.

The good news is that the world’s actually in a better place than it ever has been by many metrics. The woeful feelings are created by societal shifts and pressures. Things we can control in our own life. So I think the answer is to get yourself right and into a good place. Set limits and disconnect from the internet, build close and meaningful IRL friendships. Once you’re set, then reach out into the world and do whatever good you can.


Gen X here, I’ve been fighting against this future my whole life… I’m tired


We are going to need an early retirement home. We’ve already lived 2 lifetimes in the span of one.


Yeah, feel ya. We seem to have failed and most of us embraced the system we so fiercely opposed against.

If you can’t beat them…

anarchy79, avatar

I never gave up and I never will. The time will come, this aint over yet.

theneverfox, avatar

I feel like your generation really got poisoned by the boomer lies…“trust the system, put in your time, and you’ll get your turn on top if you work hard”

Most of your cohorts just seem to be wandering around confused, struggling to reconcile their worldview with the reality that everything sucks (and is rapidly getting worse)

inverted_deflector, (edited )

Not to dump on gen Xers but lets not give them too much woe(Note this is going to be more a US perspective). Yeah they grew up during(and were) the crime boom of the mid century that plagued American cities. Yeah they had the oil crisis and the dot com bubble. Yeah they were old enough to buy houses during the housing bubble bursting.

Lets not also forget they were born 1965-1980. They were the tail end of being able to work up a company, they were a gen that still came into an office to still turn in applications in person and all that dated cliche stuff an older family member tells you to do if your unemployed. Theyre the ones who got alright enough paying jobs doing things like data entry while complaining about it. Theyre the ones who were the right age during emerging tech industry to do things like take a quick community college network certification course and now are making six figures as head of IT department. Theyre the ones who picked up those high paying independent reporter jobs before print media started dying off when the getting was still good. They were the ones who were at prime earning and home buying age before the market became nationwide screwed. Yes the interest rate was higher, but that meant it wasnt as attractive of an investment or business opportunity which meant prices were lower.

But again it all depends who you are. The US went through some insane times in the mid century with urban decline thanks to sprawl and white flight, factories shutting down and de-industrialization, consolidation of banks and regional franchises and other businesses(leading to layoffs and in some cases the death of said merged company all together), and multiple collapses, the crack epidemic, aids and etc. And of course its not like gen xers or even boomers died once the elder millennials turned 18, they also experience covid, and the housing bubble crashing.


Wait, genx was till 1980? Then, are Millenials since 1981?

Peter1986C, avatar

Well shit, I guess I’m not a genx then, but I’m a millennial

HerbalGamer, avatar

I think 86 mightve been the cutoff but don’t quote me on that


Generations cutoffs are a messy thing and the cutoffs are vague(like its already been a few years and the cutoff for gen z is still ambiguous) but generally yeah the cutoff is generally around 1980 or 1979.


Yeah I’m ‘84 - I’m either young gen x or old millennial. I dunno, does it really matter?

I’ve heard the best way to split it is if the person remembers the Berlin Wall coming down. I only remember it as being a semi-recent historical event when I was a kid, which would make me a millennial.

However, my brother is ‘80 and he says he remembers it coming down so that would make him Gen X using this method.

Either way, I like this method better than trying to draw a line at a specific date.

I think the split between boomers and gen x is watergate.

The split between millennials and gen Z would be if a person remembers 9/11.

Covid is probably where I’d put the split between Zoomers and whatever.


Perhaps some gen-x’s, much like any other generation, got lucky, but the majority of us are still trudging through the shit trying to make ends meet as well. It all falls to greed. Specifically corporate greed that has created this huge gulf of disparity. It’s the same thing the farther you look back into history as well. Limited wealth and scarcity of resources will ensure that this sort of thing continues well past we are dead and gone. Cheers lol


I’m tired boss.


Makes you just want to slap someone


I don’t know what Chris Rick did or said, but… blows threateningly on palm


Don’t worry, the real economic crisis is just now coming with the Fed planning on raising interest rates next year. That’s been a pretty reliable indicator that shit is about to hit the fan for the last few financial crisis. What we got after the Pandemic was just a little entrée.


I think the Fed said they will start lowering rates, maybe by 1%. But, yeah, this means they think they’ve got inflation under control, and worried about slow growth or decline in 2024-2025. I’ve heard speculation that OPEC may cut oil production to increase inflation before the election in an attempt to make Trump more likely to win, so dunno how the Fed will respond to that, if it happens. Inflation caused by supply shocks could also slow real growth.


How about

  • pandemic
  • multiple different catastrophes
  • war
  • multiple economic crises, including inflation so big, it actually goes into changing money
  • world turning into cyberpunk
  • tyrans staying alive while there are news about cure for cancer

And many fucking more

XTornado, (edited )

including inflation so big, it actually goes into changing money

I didn’t quite get what are your talking about here, could you explain?


In russia they had to turn 100 rubles into 1 rouble

HerbalGamer, avatar

100 roubles make 1 trouble?


Re-basing currency. Basically the mint makes “old money” worthless overnight, and “new money” is printed that has value that is more realistic. You get a window to buy new money with old money, and then that’s it. I have no idea how that happens with digital accounting, but would obviously need to be a thing too. Point being: it’s possible for inflation to be so horribly mismanaged that you have to declare a do-over to fix it.

Zimbabwe is the current poster child for this, where trillion-dollar notes were exchanged for single-dollar amounts on their third attempt of re-basing. But other countries like Iceland have done this in the not too distant past.

I’ll add that with the US dollar being a de-facto reserve currency just about everywhere, the %1 is in the same boat with the rest of us. So I wouldn’t expect things to get that dire. It might get re-based eventually, but probably more of a “let’s move the decimal point over because this looks stupid” kind of a thing.


3 major economic crisis and a few dozen catestrophic events so far

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