Welcome aboard! There is no need to be a programmer to work on Linux. I’m no programmer either and have been enjoying Linux for many years.
About the distro, it’s a conversation ad old as the first fork lol. It depends in part what you want to do with it. I’ve used many in 20+ years. I’ve settled eith endeavourOS for my desktop (after a few years of Linux Mint) and debian on the servers. I play and work on it without any problems (although I have a radeon rx580 card).
I’ve never used popOS, but all major distros have a fairly simple install process, especially if you use the whole hd and don’t need fancy config. Or you can start relatively hard and use gentoo. It will take a while (and thanks the fact that stage1 is not the default anymore) but you’ll learn a lot of how linux works.
if you don’t mind having to install updates every day it’s nice. I use Cinnamon and there was a small issue at the beginning (dbus-something IIRC) so some apps (calculator, firefox, libreoffice) were taking a long time to start (waiting on a timemeout on something). But that’s the only issue I had in the past 6 months. I installed lutris and play steam and Epic games. I have docker (not the desktop version) installed. System is lean and snappy. Do I see a massive change from when I was using Linux Mint? Not really. I changed because I borked my LM installation and needed to reinstall anyway. Installed EndeavourOS on a spare SSD to try it out and ended as my daily driver. I still have LM on the other SSD, but I only went back once to transfer my documents/stuff. TBH I tried it out because I saw everyone banging on about Arch, but couldn’t be bothered to install from scratch. I’d only used RedHat or Debian derivative (I’m old, Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian in my mind because I remember how it started out) distros in the past 20+ years (well, and gentoo for some time when it first came out. Also Mandrake, but can’t remember what package manager it had), so I wanted to try something new. I’m happy with it, but I don’t make the distro I use a matter or religion. It works, it’s stable, I learn something new, job done.
Yes, but… London has great underground network qnd service as well without the dictatorship. France too. Stockholm as well. Sorry, your argument is based on one data point only.
Hello fellow parent. I feel your anguish. I have star wars and dinosaurs. Tbh I’m not even mad, most of the times… I’d just need some more time in the morning before the uninterrupted stream of words!
A: uncles take care of themselves (unlike the fish), you can have much more fun with uncles. Always hard could be a problem… I mean, it means I could never wear jeans again. Could be always hard on demand. Also I really like lambos. Tom Hardy is a cool guy as well.
Ok ok, I know it’s a meme, but gentle reminder that :x is :w and :q combined (save and exit). I got taught that in high school (it was a dec unix with real vt120 terminals) and luckily for me I remembered that even if I didn’t touch vi for a few years afterwards.
I might not be up to date with Mongolia real estate value. Isn’t it most steppe? Plus I really don’t want to deal with people to sell them the fish. I’m more for a relaxed and fun life with all my uncles and Tom Hardy, not the hustle.
Plus1 for dockge. Started using yesterday (with podman), moving from portainer (with docker). And I have around 50 stacks, so not just a few *arr. It’s really good, and the option to work directly via CLI or the web interface is really nice!