Please fucking go back. Who the fuck wants to read these dumbass communist manifestos every time anything gets posted? Do you dorks just search for hot topics to flood?
Purely speaking from my anecdotal experiences, I have far more instances of getting aroused than my partners, but their sexual preferences are WAY more extreme. Most of the girls I’ve been with have wanted extremely rough sex, which I’m not even remotely into. They’re also way way more voyeuristic than I ever will be, often wanting to share sexy photos online for the entire world to enjoy or showing interest in making online porn. So yeah, I want to bang more often, but they definitely are far more deviant than I am.
A Texas church has chosen a radically different path from many denominations nationwide. Instead of demonizing LGBTQ+ people, the Galileo Church in Fort Worth has opted to support and welcome the community....
I actually like Linux, but I’m considering just blocking all the Linux communities because it’s so incredibly boring to just see you guys circle jerking all day long. We get it. We all get it.
I wish there was a separate meme community for normal memes and these Zoomer memes. I just can’t find the humor in so many of these. Like what does this text really do that’s funnier than easily readable text? Why are the images always like 4 clear pixels and the rest a blur?
Sure. Why not. Anything goes. (
On culinary crimes (
Inspired by
Stereotypes are wrong and bad (
Texas church launches program to help fund transgender kids’ healthcare (
A Texas church has chosen a radically different path from many denominations nationwide. Instead of demonizing LGBTQ+ people, the Galileo Church in Fort Worth has opted to support and welcome the community....
One of the claims on this Belvita packaging only appears in English (
Great deal ngl (
Does cyber-bullying work ? (
the way it is (
oh come on, do it (
Windows 11 (
What a time to be alive (
This community lately (
This is why my legs are thicc (
he's single now (