They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
Not to defend the shitty companies out there, but in a sense they have no choice. Once you’re publicly traded shareholders expect infinite growth at ANY cost to the consumers or the employees of the company. Every single year they expect to see their return increase, even looking like a plateau for a short period is enough to make a huge chunk of the greedy bastards jump ship. IMO shareholders are the number one, most direct and largest cause of the enshitification of everything. Being publicly traded these days is a death sentence for a companies nature and good will.
alt textthree rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right. In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”. The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same. In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with...
It’s funny how when you’re doing okay a message like that doesn’t feel like much from a stranger, but his a lot deeper when you’re feeling at the end of your rope, I appreciate your kindness and compassion. It’s just gotten worse and worse every year, I had stability at one time and I was an equal contributer, but I just feel like complete shit about myself constantly and nothing seems to go right. My vehicle which I’m still paying a loan on has been in a mechanics shop for 3 months, the car that I had been borrowing developed a major oil leak and can’t be driven so I am stuck getting rides across town with no decent bussing options (which I’ve admittedly never taken a public bus out of anxiety), my credit cards which I got initially to help my fiance with things have gone unpaid for about 6 months with daily calls from collectors, and whatever else I can’t bring to mind right now, but it’s all just a decline no matter how hard I try or how decent of a person I try to be to everyone I interact with in my life. And on top of that most of my friends haven’t talked to me in years and the one good friend I do talk to every few months or so has her own life and issues to deal with, I have no family anywhere near me and have a bad relationship with my father, my mother is wonderful but I feel even worse dumping my troubles on her because she has no way to help me from across the country and with her extremely limited resources and I know it makes her feel like she failed as a parent because she couldn’t provide me with the things she thinks she should have (I don’t blame her a bit, she really is a wonderful person), which means the only person who I can talk to about anything going wrong in my life is the love of my life who is being embittered towards me by every compounding issue. I recently got back on ADHD meds after being off them for a decade or more and it’s only seemed to serve to make me have energy and no appetite, but not help me that much, I want to try antidepressants for the first time in my life, but the doctors don’t make it easy, it was a struggle just to get on the ADHD meds even though I had taken Adderall for 5+ years in the past. It’s just overwhelming and never ever seems to let up. I can’t play video games any more, television just seems to fade into the background as I’m consumed by horrible thoughts constantly.
Honestly my entire life is a wreck, my fiance is probably going to leave me because I absolutely can’t seem to find a real job and I’m my debt has ballooned like 3x it’s size in 6 months because even though I’m a manager who does literally everything you could do working retail, I get paid $10.50 an hour. I quite literally can’t afford to eat and am going hungry most days for the last month. Yet the only thing my mind can seem to focus on is saving my relationship but I just feel it drifting every day I can’t secure a real job. I’ve applied to literally hundreds of jobs over the past 6 months, gone to many interviews, called called called and called some more, and yet nothing, no one wants to give me a chance even though I have a decent resume, I’m polite, I’m very good with computers and have no criminal or any kind of bad history. Definitely thinking about ending it a lot lately. Sorry to dump on you, just feel like I need to write this out somewhere instead of just festering in my head.
Thank you, I have talked to her a lot, but she has valid reasons. I have not been an equal contributer and the weight of everything has been on her for too long, I would do anything in my power to not lose her, but what NEEDS to happen just doesn’t seem to. I know I need back in to see my doctor and see if she can get me on an antidepressant, but the number one thing I need is sadly just money. My income, even though I bust my ass for it, feels like drops in a very very large bucket. Thanks again.
Thank you, I have my states ACA insurance which is the only way I’ve seen a doctor (hadn’t seen one in about 15 years before last month). I had never heard about that phone number, I might give it a call later, thank you so much.
Currently at work at the worst company you could ever work for, Big Lots. We’ve even got extended hours today, but hardly anyone here shopping. ANY corporation that has shareholders has no choice but to become increasingly evil and vile to their employees.
A lot of my files were shitty 480p versions of movies from the Napster days. Now they’re all 1080p, with a few 720p exceptions (mainly tv series episodes). All in all 500 something files in total. Now just watching uTorrent slowly download them all. Hopefully my VPN keeps the eyes off of me…
As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done....
The Voyager community (I use it too), JUST had a post from the developer that he added a feature to post comments as pictures, but I don’t actually know how to do it.
Did Elon Musk make the top image? Fuck any store in the US that was open Thursday or had crazy long hours Friday, and DOUBLE fuck you if you went to one.
I could never get it to work well, every movie I tried would only play for a few seconds then buffer, then just become unplayable, on very good Internet.
It’s a very fine line. I try to help real homeless people, but there are literally scumbags that are professional panhandlers who will stand by the side of the road with a sign or come up to you with a sob story asking for money, only to get into their car that’s nicer than yours a few hours later and drive to their home that’s bigger than yours. I make horrible horrible pay at my job, there are plenty of these guys that have figured out how to be systematic about it and make 4x what I do from doing so.
Is everyone just not using Ublock for some reason? I never seem to see any of these things and I feel like I just followed a link to Know Your Meme fairly recently.
Can you believe this guy ladies and gentlemen? He’s got his own news show, he’s got a normal name. You can tell our parents started with naming with him, oh Michael, I bet they had that name planned before they were even pregnant I bet.
I feel like the Steam Deck is the best proof of Gabe Newell's quote that "piracy is a service issue."
They could have easily crammed the Steam Deck full of stuff to make it hard to use for piracy - locking down everything, making it usable only to play games you legitimately own, force you to go through who knows what hoops in order to play games on it. That’s what Nintendo or Apple or most other companies do....
I remember getting a PS3 just to avoid this back then (
soak and jump hump (
Black Friday (
alt textthree rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right. In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”. The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same. In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with...
I just deleted my entire library and redownloaded it.
A lot of my files were shitty 480p versions of movies from the Napster days. Now they’re all 1080p, with a few 720p exceptions (mainly tv series episodes). All in all 500 something files in total. Now just watching uTorrent slowly download them all. Hopefully my VPN keeps the eyes off of me…
Sony is going to remove certain purchased titles from user libraries (
As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done....
In Germany we say "Arbeitnehmerrechte" and I think that's beautiful (
PSA: The popular leech client Stremio got an upgrade to spoof other clients than TorrentStorm. (
Thanks to whoever posted this on reddit. I hope other clients detect and blocking it.
Darling runs macOS software directly without using a hardware emulator (
Darling is a translation layer that lets you run macOS software on Linux, not an emulator, it’s like wine but for MacOS apps.
Everyone's upset a Youtube blocking adblockers, meanwhile this exists (
Pirate Bay URL Disappears from Google Knowledge Panel in 'Blocked' Regions (
Need to update the meme (
At least you didn’t post it (
πckles!!! (