You can. But it then has to route through their modem+router single piece unit.
E.g. I have my own router which handles everything I need. But I switched ISPs recently to save 70$ per month, and the new company router has parts of its functionality, like turning off the wifi, built into their smartphone app and disabled in the admin panel.
Also the username and password for the unit is, by default, admin/admin. In 2023.
It's mostly due to early "archeologists" being almost entirely trust fund babies born into the aristocracy and to whom it was a contest to make the craziest claims possible.
See the OG trench at Troy that went completely past the end of the Bronze Age and dumped all of the important artifacts into a refuse pile that is apparently still being sifted through today.
Also see early "paleontologists" who seemed to use Dino bones in an attempt to make monsters scary enough to make kids cry.
Older than that. I, as a layman, suspect it might be one of the points that indicate the development of conscious thought.
Because Chimps, Cuttlefish and Crows can and do lie to each other in the wild.
Chimps will cheat on each other(i.e. a non-dominant male in a group will pair off with a female chimp, but the female chimp remains paired to the more dominant male of the group. Even going so far that the "other guy" will shield his erection from the first guy to avoid a beating.
Large Cuttlefish males will create and defend "harems" of female cuttlefish during their breeding periods. Smaller male cuttlefish are known to pretend to be female to sneak into a harem and mate with them.
Crows will make false caches of food if they suspect they are being watched by another crow.
The Sony minidisc players were decent hardware, but the app that loaded music onto the discs was completely garbage.
It would set the bit rate down to sub 40kbps(so it looked like you had mp3 Cd levels of storage, and would move the original music files it "loaded" deep into %appdata% to try and hide the originals from you.