They did that for Gen Z, where it’s essentially the dividing line between people who were more or less cognizant when 9/11 happened, and those who weren’t.
I didn’t come up with the age range, but it’s been well established for a while now. Someone else told me about “Generation Jones”, which is basically just the younger half of the Boomer generation I guess. I feel like that’s splitting hairs, but who knows, maybe it makes some sort of sense to you?
I mean, i have been seeing the same damn trailer for it before every movie i’ve seen in theaters for months, and I still didnt realize it was coming out now.
To be fair, whomever decided to use an apostrophe to indicate possession AND abbreviation clearly didn’t think through all the possible conflicts before going ahead and making it a thing. Should have made a separate symbol for one of them.
That’s a very good point… it seems like every time the national budget is up for renewal, those Republican clowns threaten to fuck everyone over. Bastards, the lot of them!
People just HAVE to keep changing established terms to feel special, I guess. For example, I’ve noticed people used to say “X got that Win!”, then it changed to “Y fr earned that W”, and today I saw someone say “Z deserved that dub”.
What if you’re on a one lane road, and not only is there a dude with bright lights on behind you, but also there’s just a continuous stream of them in the opposing lane, all flashing you as well?
I’m talking more about the weird obsession they have with hating kids, to the point they make these cringey terms like “meat sirens” and “crotch goblins”. If someone said those terms to me in real life, I don’t think I could take that person seriously anymore.
Which pill do you choose? (
fr fr ong (
We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days. (
I think we've been had (
Box Office: ‘The Marvels’ Gets Grounded With MCU’s Second-Lowest Opening Day Ever (
It can't be stopped (
I'm so good at time management that I hardly work at all (
Not inaccurate (
A tsarrible idea (
Cross-posted from:...
History go brrrr (
It's a mystery (
Every Job person now (
Ahhh my eyes (
Colonial (
make smoking great again (
Little shit (
Too soon? (