Xenophobia is to racism what homophobia is to ... ?
Is there a word that means “a hatred of gay people”, rather than “a fear of or aversion to gay people”? Surely there are people who simply hate homosexuality without necessarily fearing it, and vice versa. Someone who hates homosexuality should probably be condemned for their unreasonable and hateful prejudices, but...
Xenophobia is to racism what homophobia is to ... ?
Is there a word that means “a hatred of gay people”, rather than “a fear of or aversion to gay people”?...
If you're reading something and you don't understand a word, should you stop and research it or should you keep reading the whole thing first?
How did Francis E. Dec die?
Unhinged conspiracy theorist Francis E. Dec, who essentially originated the concept of gangstalking and targeted individuals and gained notoriety for ranting about his theories of the “Gangster Computer God”, passed away 15 days after his 70th birthday. But how did he die?...
Why is Australia the only "core anglosphere" country where voting is mandatory?
Is it illegal to charge insane prices for things?
Is there a law preventing me from for example selling a baseball hat for $20,000?
What's it called when a title has "or" in it followed by a different title?
Should I wait for the "Snyder cut" (director's cut) of Rebel Moon?
Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director’s cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder’s Justice League (director’s cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I...
Why do people not understand that you can agree with one thing someone said or did while disagreeing with the majority of what they stand for? (www.youtube.com)
An example is that I generally despise Jordan Peterson and most of what he says, but I often quote one thing that Jordan Peterson said (in the linked video) because I think it’s a good summary of why toxic positivity doesn’t work....

Why aren't modern 3D platformers as good as the PS2 era of 3D platformers?
Please prove me wrong and suggest me some modern ones that stand up to the older ones....
Would you rather be bald, or have great hair but be unable to orgasm properly?
Please don’t say neither (that’s not an option)