School for me was living hell for 5 days a week, working for me is alright and at least i also have money to use in my free time. Which I have less of of course, but even if school hadn’t been hell I’d never want to go back.
Which is to say, if anyones reading this who’s still in school and is getting discouraged from people saying working is worse, don’t be. It’s very subjective and depends on your job too. If school feels like torture, work will probably be an improvement.
Yep, the other kids traumatized me for life lol. And they didn’t even hate me or anything, as I found out by them becoming generally fine to interact with in like 11th grade when they were 17+.
The homework I was thankfully able to just flat out ignore. But that along staying up way too long and as such struggling to stay awake in class lead to friction with teachers, so once the other kids weren’t a problem anymore, it was instead the classes themselves. Which were also just mostly very boring and very slow, and I’m suspecting I also have adhd.
I am heavily questioning the life of a confined cat being better than the life of a cat that is free to go where it wants. The moment you have 2 cats that get along it’s unlikely to be a bad life, but you have no way of telling how another being unable to communicate complex thoughts to you considers their quality of life to be.
That is true (well, where I live there are few actual dangers to cats but that’s just region dependent) but in general I believe a short, but more fulfilling life to be better than a longer, less fulfilling one. Which I’m aware is subjective.
Not the guy you replied to, but I’ll give you one: if you are male, it is (or at least was last federal election) impossible to be at the highest spot of any candidate list of the german green party. There was a hard rule that spot 1 had to be a woman and then it alternates. The alternation rule seems pretty alright, but blanket excluding someone from the #1 spot because of gender is pretty blatant sexism. It doesn’t matter that women were in that position and worse in the pretty recent past, 2 wrongs don’t make a right (also ironically this kind of ignores other gender identities entirely but they’d probably be given the woman treatment as they’re clearly generally disadvantaged, which seems alright). Something like having at least 45% at #1 of both men and women and then keeping the alternating rule seems a lot more sensible, or even flat out forcing 50% and flipping the genders each election.
I can also spend a very long time talking about how affirmative action in general feels more like the lazy route to achieve a somewhat better state since socioeconomic factors play a huge role in education and those heavily correlate with ethnicity, but it’s unfair to exclude people based on their skin color (almost like that’s racism by definition), but whatever. I haven’t seen any cases of it being actually abused, and overall just fast tracking more representation of all sorts of people into all kinds of jobs and social groups will likely help a lot against racism in the long run. It just feels like the inferior means to that end.
Germany has things like giving disabled people preference in job applications given otherwise equal qualifications which I think is great as they most likely have much fewer options overall, and I believe that might be considered affirmative action too? I’m not super familiar given that that’s not a term here.
Sorry I rambled on so much, I am “stealing time” at my job and lost my train of thought a few times as I left and revisited this comment. :)
Totally didn’t do the same thing…
Anyway, I mostly agree with you, just fyi regarding the german green party: Annalena Baerbock was their chancellor candidate, Habeck was effectively what in the US would be a president’s running mate. A duo, but Baerbock was iirc always going to be chancellor if the greens got a majority. And yes, they have joint leadership of the party.
That policy has to do with the german voting system, where each party has to provide a list of candidates for each state. Then according to how many votes the party gets, proportionally many people from that list get into the Bundestag, the list is in order. And that’s the one that had to alternate.
The greens as of last federal election are big enough to where this effectively isn’t going to single out anyone, they will get a few candidates from every state into the Bundestag. However the principle of forcing the gender of slot 1 just left a bit of a bad taste. Still voted for them and will most likely do that again.
If people did this I’d just go back to muting calls too, at least from those not respecting it… I’ve clearly established to use calls only if it’s important, and if I miss it I will call back asap. Honestly I think the only way you can get them to stop is by ignoring them.
Cats eat no plant matter naturally. Absolutely none. If you have studies somehow proving that they can live by eating only things that they naturally never eat, feel free to educate me. But as far as I’m aware, attempting to put cats on a vegan diet is animal abuse.
Can’t attest to their intentions but “speak for yourself” would be the continuation of the ken m “we are all x on this blessed day” meme, whether or not that’s what you were going for.
There’s like ultrasonic cleaning machines for glasses they’re pretty great. For me getting my glasses clean properly takes forever, if I had such a service near me I’d probably use it sometimes (as it is I just don’t bother properly cleaning them and just wipe them occasionally)
People will judge you for it in most situations (aka when it’s not a necessity out of emergency) but you’re not likely to be charged for it and for sure not with anything sex related because… pissing isn’t sexual.
I once sent a family on the wrong train but then it turned out that train went the same place they wanted to get to anyway (and I know their ticket was valid for either). I’d have felt so bad otherwise, they were so panicked already.
Calling her shy is an understatement honestly, she clearly has social anxiety disorder and much of the anime focuses around comedy derived from that. And it somehow manages to be funny without feeling like it trivializes her issues, it’s one of the most accurate portrayals of social anxiety in media that I can think of.
Fax is unencrypted. Encrypted versions apparently exist but that’s not what Japan and Germany use.
And that aside my mom regularly gets sensitive patient data via fax at her workplace because the number is one digit off some doctor’s (bonus points for the inverse also happening, and her also working with sensitive data). Far less likely to happen with email. At most encrypted fax is equally secure.
I went to bed at 5-6 am for a few years. I didn’t have sleep issues whatsoever. Slept the same amount and felt just as rested (more if anything) as now where I have a “normal” sleep schedule.
There’s also people that, yknow, work at night, whose sleep might start at 9.
I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to not limit yourself greatly on what u do based on if someones sleeping as long as you avoid very loud things (a pleasant fuck you to my mom (love you) for insisting she needs to vacuum at like 11 every second day when I had that sleep schedule), but your reasoning is just bull.
Yeah I’m the same. Never really hit more than 10 tabs on desktop unless researching, and I reset them on restart anyway so they can’t accumulate. On my phone I think I’m currently at 89, and that’s only because i closed all when it went above 100.
Also notepad++ I probably have 100+ open for the same reason. Opening something new makes a new tab, and they never reset.
Competitive arena shooters have always seemed the worst to me, so if cs2 has more women that’s really good to hear. I think in a combined ~1k hours of csgo and valorant (haven’t played either in years though) i can count the amount of times ive hears women speak in vcs on my hands, and I’m not sure if it was ever not followed by some stupid sexist comments.
Definitely seeing many women in other genres, just waiting for more to reach pro level so we actually see mixed gender or sometimes all women teams in professional esports commonly. As it stands it also still seems like a few too many people would immediately blame any bad performance on being a woman, and no one really wants to deal with that kind of public response.
There are a lot of things ppl seem to ascribe to adhd that aren’t (and also it often depends on the severity/frequency whether it’s normal or not) but also symptoms for different mental afflictions often overlap and distinguishing between them can be hard. So it’s very possible something is related to adhd, but someone experiences the same issue without having adhd.
I have no idea if this particular issue is related to adhd though, but doesn’t seem unlikely.
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