It’s an insurance thing. If they say no sunscreen they can’t then mix up sunscreens or sunscreen and something else and cause a reaction they would then be liable for.
I didn’t look into it but I imagine there’s language to make the parent responsible for indelibly labeling the sunscreen with name of student parent and contact info.
Correct, bacta tanks are also used on Vader who was damn near incinerated. It being body temperature has something to do with it though because your body wouldn’t have to work as hard to keep your core temp stable.
I don’t think they did, the concept babies didn’t feel pain persisted well into the 1980s.
In the late nineteenth, and first half of the twentieth century[citation needed], doctors were taught that babies did not experience pain, and were treating their young patients accordingly. From needle sticks to tonsillectomies to heart operations were done with no anaesthesia or analgesia, other than muscle relaxation for the surgery.[citation needed] The belief was that in babies the expression of pain was reflexive and, owing to the immaturity of the infant brain, the pain could not really matter.[37]
Yep we give my mom shit about forgetting to cook the lasagna after she cut her finger damn near off, It’s been like 20 years and she had a good excuse.