some_guy, Only sleep sitting in a recliner chair. Or just don’t sleep. Problem solved.
gun, I though side sleeping was supposed to be best for you?
Gregorech, My shoulder disagrees.
MelonTheMan, Whenever my stomach hurts i’ll remember some recommendation that you’re supposed to sleep on your left or right side.
But I never remember which so I just rotate back and forth
Unreliable, Left is better for digestion or something iirc?
captain_aggravated, My understanding is, your stomach is slightly to one side (a bit like your heart is; you’re only symmetrical on the outside) and so laying on one side, your stomach is above your centerline, if you lay on the other your stomach is below your centerline. Sleeping with your stomach on the “high side” means its easier for stomach acid to leak up into your esophagus, which burns!
TheLowestStone, Left is better for acid relux.
chatokun, Oh, I naturally have to sleep on my side, as front and back are both uncomfortable (for back my ass is a bit too big to not make my lower back feel odd). I sometimes have issues with digestion/acid reflux, so maybe I instinctively sleep left side? I noticed I kept going left instead of right.
mathterdark, Oh good, I’m not the only one who rotates in their sleep like a rotisserie chicken
TheEhHole, Optimal sleeping position depends on where the dog is in the bed.
CurlyMoustache, Is… Is that an euphemism?
Gregorech, Not to a dog owner…
kworpy, Never slept on my back once in my life, never got any issues from sleeping in a weird position… Might be noticing something!
NeatNit, I’m convinced it’s all BS. The best thing for the human body, in nearly every field, is variety. Sleep however you want, mix it up, whatever. Your comfort is the best indicator. And the consequences of a bad sleeping position are rarely so dire.
UnderpantsWeevil, Can’t sleep, clowns will eat me.
Gregorech, Why are you in their car?
Fridgeratr, Damn I guess I’ll just levitate
UnderpantsWeevil, doctor frowning and shaking his head, like this is a bad idea
Gregorech, In the Ringworld books by Larry Niven, he describes a bed that is based on air pressure making you feel like your in a skydiving free fall.
Fridgeratr, Hmmm… that sounds either awesome or terrifying lol
shalva97, left side it is then. My favorite!
callyral, i go to bed laying on my side, turn to slep on my stomach, then on my back, and once i’m actually asleep i look like this:
FlyingSquid, You know what’s fun? The post-surgery “you always sleep on this side? Learn to sleep on the other one because you’re going to be this way for weeks, motherfucker” sleeping position.
Gestrid, I had jaw surgery a few years back, and I had to adjust to sleeping sitting up (believe me, the surgery made me tired enough to be able to do that) for several weeks because I couldn’t risk messing up my jaw while it healed.
ArianaGrande, Did you sleep in a chair, or sitting in bed?
Gestrid, Sitting in a bed with lots of pillows and blankets to prop me up. I was basically in a sitting position.
fitjazz, If I sleep on my stomach I can’t move my neck the next day, right side my right hand goes painfully numb, left side my left hand goes painfully numb, back both hands go numb. There is literally no position I can sleep in that I don’t wake up after a couple of hours and have to shift to a different position.
stephen01king, You know the solution, you just have to sleep while spinning in place.
Phil_in_here, What you want is a rock tumbler bed
hglman, Or get rid of gravity.
RGB3x3, Easy, become an astronaut.
fitjazz, Some nights that’s what it feels like I’m doing.
OddrunAsmundr, Sounds like you need to lop an arm off. Or dig a hole in your bed.…
RGB3x3, It seems like a good idea, but holy crap those CGI examples are the most unhinged shit ever.
It’s like they don’t know how arms work.
spizzat2, Where are the Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots?
ArianaGrande, (edited ) Dude, my arms kept falling asleep at night. I randomly mentioned this to my physical therapist (I was there after a knee surgery) and he put me on a massage bed and pulled my head. Not like some quack chiropractor, but just slowly pulling my head, stretching my neck. Fuckin problem went away and never returned. Closest thing to real magic I have experienced.
tamal3, Has anyone tried this?… Looks like the skot would rub your armpit to shreds, but I like the idea.
Peppycito, I like the idea too, but you have to buy proprietary bed sheets.
Allero, (edited ) I didn’t, but I feel this will create more problems than it will solve
Hands are either able to freely move, but inside a narrow space, which will traumatize them and extend muscles, or they are squeezed between the chamber walls and those kind-of-filler-pillows, restraining motion.
Also, those who market it as a phone-comfortable bed clearly forget that phones and large narrow holes are a terrible combo. Oh, and for God’s sake, forget about ever eating ANYTHING on there.
tamal3, That’s probably an accurate analysis. It’s hard to believe that with all the time we spend sleeping we haven’t figured out a way to do it comfortably.
Maybe suspend me in a vat of liquid?
Allero, (edited ) There’s quite a lot of issues with that, too.
First, breathing. For starters, you shouldn’t drown, for which you either have to be strongly fixed in a position with face up out of the liquid (which will be super uncomfy), or you should depend on oxygen mask (which is very dangerous when you’re unconscious during sleep)
Second, skin breathes too - and in liquids, the pores close and skin can’t breathe - which will eventually lead to hypoxia even if you breathe normally.
Third, skin gets irritated and damaged at prolonged contact (like, you know, 8 hours of sleep a day) with just about any liquid. It should be insanely inert.
Fourth - the thermal conductivity of such liquid should ideally be the same as air - too much (which is just about any liquid) would be harmful for your body’s thermal regulation and, again, for skin, too little would make you overheat.
Fifth - you need a liquid in which you can be suspended, which is impossible to precisely measure since our buoyancy constantly changes due to us breathing, and our breathing patterns change as we move between phases of sleep.
TL;DR - There’s a reason all those vats are part of sci-fi: as cool as they look, they are insanely impractical.
Noodle07, I sleep best when I have a girl sleeping on me, I since bought a weighted blanket but it’s not the same
BlackPenguins, (edited ) How heavy was the girl? Do the weights match? Where was the weight?
Noodle07, She was normal build? 55-60 kg maybe ?
frederick, I’m freestyle sleepers 😆. Where my position ?
technomad, (edited ) #😠
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