alt textFirst panel: [blank white space with black text] Jogging from the perspective of animals Second panel: Wolf by a tree looking at a man jogging. “What are you running from, apex predator” Third panel: Wolf: “Are you chasing prey?” “You need to conserve energy” Last panel: [second wolf peeking in] “The hell...
I’m talking about a massive park in the absolute heart of the city. Located such that is naturally surrounded by city high rises. *People are giving examples of parks that are way off in the boonies. I’m trying to say located centrally, heart of the city, you know where the high rises are. Yes I understand nyc has more, the...
Guten Tag Everybody (
poor Dean (
Playing an unsupported file (
Image Alt Text: “After downloading a 2.5GB movie...
Mirror Chekov aka Bester is a very efficient undercover agent (
Damn you short cables.... (
I always check stuff like this with new appliances, but I guess there’s some people who don’t…
My whole night is booked now (
Oh No, anyway (
Sorry, my hand must have slipped. (
The finest organic suspension ever devised FTW! (
It's true. (
Greebles! (
Go watch Invasion if you don't believe me (
Germans (
Image of a ‘Daily Mail’ news headline, which reads:...
The Netherlands (
"Jogging From the Perspective of Animals" by Jake Likes Onions (
alt textFirst panel: [blank white space with black text] Jogging from the perspective of animals Second panel: Wolf by a tree looking at a man jogging. “What are you running from, apex predator” Third panel: Wolf: “Are you chasing prey?” “You need to conserve energy” Last panel: [second wolf peeking in] “The hell...
just when you don't think about, bääm! a German. (
Stock Meme (
Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?
I’m talking about a massive park in the absolute heart of the city. Located such that is naturally surrounded by city high rises. *People are giving examples of parks that are way off in the boonies. I’m trying to say located centrally, heart of the city, you know where the high rises are. Yes I understand nyc has more, the...
How many do you need?! *sobs* (
Do you know? (
home is where you know how to adjust the shower.... (