That isn’t true at all. The pH will needs adjusting from the tap and will need periodic adjusting during use, but that all depends on how often you use it and if you spill and drinks in to during use. I check my mine from weekly to monthly depending on how often I use it. Usually every 5-10 uses. The manufacturers of hot tubs and chemicals say after every use but that is way over doing and wastes testing strips.
Basically the pH needs to be adjusted so the chlorine can do it’s job. That’s the jyst. There are extra chemicals beyond that but those will be used on a anually or semi-anually basis.
I have a styrofoam filled hot tub I bought for $100. I had to put $3000 in to in parts and fixed several leaks. It’s not unrepairable, just not as straight forward. It was easy to find some of the leaks because the spray foam would be saturated with water so I just pulled out the wet foam and followed it to the leak. And when I was done I just put in some of the pink fiberglass insulation in it’s place, but even that isn’t necessary.
I haven’t unlocked the bird transformation if there is one. Still in act 1.
I think it depends on how far you can be thrown. I can be thrown right now as far most characters can dash and it automatically takes you out of your transformation when you land, because the throw damages you and the cat only has 2 hp, so you don’t have to spend a bonus action to come out of it when you reach your destination.
Maybe it’s the simplicity of the art style. Big round heads, small body’s, usually posed standing, everyone is same shape, dialogue focused comedy. I don’t know, I’m just spit balling here.
Edit: having a look at the website the comic is publishes you are right. Hell you’re even more right today since the last two comics are almost exactly same. Same characters, same positioning, same actions. The only difference is the dialogue and the facial expressions.
I imagine the artist has a bunch of stock art he just cuts and pasted in to the comic so he doesn’t have to redraw something he’s already drawn.