I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of...
That really warms my heart to hear. I’m trying to be one of the good dads.
Just today my 9 year old and I had a conversation about how I’m always the first to step up and admit when I make a mistake, and communicate what I did or will do to fix it, where I have colleagues who will try to hide their mistakes and front like they never ever make them. Going so far as lying to clients, bosses, and coworkers all the way.
Thank you for such a detailed writeup of your experience. I have twin 32 curved LCDs and one frame is starting to crack so I’ve been mulling over my options.
I’m in terminals all day long for work, videos and games when I have some downtime. It sounds like an OLED TV is going to be the ticket for me. I’ve been hesitant because the perceived loss of real estate losing a whole display, but that’s clearly more mindset and habit than reality.
Sharing is a concern, I do a lot with coworkers and customers, but I’m sure I can find a way around that. Even if it’s something silly like a VM that I run shares out of. Just sharing single windows won’t do the trick as I’m often sharing a web UI alongside terminals and notes.
Why do most people refuse to accept that they are wrong
I have come across a lot’s of people like these. like 99% of them. Sometimes it makes me think twice if what i am saying is wrong? What’s wrong with them. Is it so hard to swallow your pride and acknowledge that the other person is speaking facts? When they come to know they are wrong they proceed to insult/make fun of...
What's your favorite instrument that really gets through to you?
Mine’s a bit of a strange one…...
Guinea Pig for sale at the local market (i.imgur.com)
Whatever, I'll use it and abuse it. (lazysoci.al)
What piece of song lyric you can really relate to?
I’m not talking about the full lyrics, but just a phrase or a sentence that you feel is right up your alley....