Think about it, we put our dead in the sun to dry and after they become dead jearky we chop them in small pieces and recicle as bricks! We can build thousands of houses! And we can even use the cemetery grounds, since there will be no more burials! Win x Win x Win!
You can live with your loved ones for ever; End the cemetery space problems; End Homelessness; Save the planet!
Ours was “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”. I don’t know why nor where but one day my step dad showed up with this movie for us. It was the only “kids” movie we ever own and we watched it a 1.000 times. looking back it wasn’t as inocent as I thought at the time, but it was the 90s. Another movies we loved?! Howard the Duck ( the movie where Marty Mcfly mom fucked a duck) So yeah the 90s were kind of weird and had a lot of inapropriate movies for kids.
Oh life is already so hard and sad, let the kids have a couple of good anxiety free years! ET was so traumatizing as a kid that I refuse to ever watch it again lol
I would 100% prefer to have a horse name dobbin. He could take me to tbe marker and also be my support animal! I would love dobbing for the rest of my life