rmuk, Serious question: what’s the loop on the right for? No way anyone’s fitting their balls through that.
ObviouslyNotBanana, It’s so you can tie it around the back with a rope. Either tying the hands together or something else so that when you tug it goes deeper.
Resol, Human shaped fish
I think they’re called mermaids or something, idfk.
PahdyGnome, Anal fissures fishes
OfficerBribe, (edited ) Probably this guy
zwaetschgeraeuber, catfish?
first_must_burn, My answer too
Lifebandit666, (edited ) A shit-fish Randy Bobandy
mydude, Skitt-fiske
majestic, Femboy fish
Ddhuud, I don’t know the name, but it tastes like ass.
Asudox, Did you ever eat ass?
Hadriscus, I did, as dry sausage. It’s excellent
Asudox, good enough
kemsat, The best fish.
leaky_shower_thought, … an oarfish?
biestander, Avestan Goth
ObviouslyNotBanana, Big tiddy?
Fridgeratr, The wide-anused assfish
cRazi_man, This unique construction is designed to catch the fish from the tail end rather than hooking in the mouth.
Kolanaki, New fish! New fish! New fish!
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