When I had housemates in the past, I respected this until 9AM, at that point, unless you actually have a reason to stay up past 1AM (for an 8hr sleep), then I’m afraid then it sucks to be you and I’ll just be normal amounts of quiet.
No red light cameras in your parts? I get this happens, but if it’s this frequent makes me wonder if there’s ever any fines for it? Depending how late it is should be instant licence revokation and fine in my opinion.
Japan isn’t on its own wavelength, most of East Asian does this, probably because they all decided they wanted to be like China: which was a government which governed more. youtu.be/Mh5LY4Mz15o?t=1m7s
I think the better thing you could hope for is that the bankruptcy comes swiftly, he’s forced to sell off the IP, and all the engineers who actually built the damn things move to a company with saner leadership and continue on.