They mean 98%-100% relative humidity. 100% relative humidity is the maximum amount of water that the air can hold at a given temperature and pressure as vapour. Once you get to 100% then you can evaporate any more water / was will start condensing out of the air (especially if the temperature drops)
I feel like this is part of the the joke because Americans often focus on Europeans when metric comes up. I’m Australian, and I have been assumed to be in Europe a number of times by US internet commenters on the topic haha
I was just thinking about this today downstairs in the food court at the bottom of the office building I work in. Hundreds of people come through there for the lunch rush to dozens of fast food restaurants (sushi, buritoes, Thai etc), all in the space of less than 30x30m including seating. I was thinking: there’s no way you could do this with a drive through.
I’m saying opening and closing doors normally (still makes some sound unless you’re being very, very careful) using the kitchen normally to prepare food (still makes some sound).
Does this seem rude when no indication of other needs is given? If yes, that’s my issue with people in this thread, the assumption that night should be treated the same as day by default, and you’re a dick otherwise.
See I actually agree with you on this, to a point, that if you’re working night shift and your mum knew about it, then it’s pretty unfair to be doing the vacuuming at that time each day if she knows you’re going to bed that late.
If you’re just deciding/feeling it’s better for you to be going to sleep that late with no other reasons, then yeah, I do think it was on you to come to some other compromise with your mum about when she can vacuum. In the early afternoon after you wake up for example.
It’s the “other people should work around me by default” attitude that I take issue with. When the standard is be awake during the day (right or wrong), then I think it’s on the people asking for deviation from that to ask for accommodation.
Totally reasonable to have other sleep schedules requiring quiet at certain times of the day, just I think it’s on the person asking for something non-standard (and currently it is a social norm to be awake and asleep at certain hours, right or wrong) it’s on the person to actually communicate it, rather than expect it.
As mentioned in other threads, it’s just the expectation that bothers me.
If you’re deviating from a social norm (and right or wrong, it is still a social norm), I think it’s on you to communicate it properly.
Again, people should be reasonably quiet at all times, but it is unfair to have the expectation that the day will be as quiet as the night without prior discussion.
People should be mindful of noise at all times, but if it’s late in the morning, I feel it’s unreasonable to have an expectation of tip-toeing around without bringing it up and asking if you can come to some sort of an arrangement.
It’s the expectation that I think is the problem.
Whereas the expectation that daytime is for normal activity is not unreasonable. Why? Because that is the way it has been and still is. It doesn’t mean it’s “good”, or “fair”, but it is the current standard and if you want to deviate from it it should be up to you to say something to get what you need.
We have norms and standards in society that people do expect, these different in different parts of the world. Bring a gift when you meet parents for the first time (east Asia), don’t be loud at night (Nachtruhe, Germany). If you want to deviate, then yes, it’s on you and communicate.
As I’ve repeated in other comments, if there is some reason someone needs to sleep at “unstandard” hours, then I’m not suggesting they just deal with it and suffer.
What I am suggesting is that it shouldn’t be taken for granted that day time should be treated the same as night, and that staying up late should mean others need to tip-toe around during the day without asking (unless there is some other reason, or you ask for it to be different because XYZ)
Normal amounts of quiet. It’s not like I ran around the house banging pots and pans.
I feel like Lemmy really self-selects for “night-owls” (people have different chronotypes sure, but like, if you’re staying up to 3,4 AM, then you have sleep issues, it’s not a chronotype to be up this late. Humans aren’t nocturnal. And I say this as someone who has had sleep issues where I have been up that late. You know what I never did, complained that my housemates closed the door a normal amount at 10AM and made a normal amount of noise at that time)… that feel hard done by.
Like, it’s called getting along with others, it’s something you need to learn when living in a sharehouse.