The US is going to pressure the EU into loosening regulations for US based tech companies which will result in a return to some, and the advancement of other anti-consumer practices.
I empathize with the feeling of living a simpler, happier life, but living like a hobbit would suck for a lot of us.
Indoor plumbing, sewage, electricity and internet, are all way more important to the kind of people who are on this site than they might expect. In addition to that, if you’ve never lived in the countryside, rural living and basic peasant subsistence farming is fucking awful. You are constantly working maintenance and rebuilding damaged property. You’re always dirty, smelly, and tired.
S-tier youtube video, too. No intro or outro, no sponsors, no nonsense. Just a good host talking enthusiastically and intelligently about a hypothetical scenario.
My mom refuses to watch anything remotely ‘scary’ so she hadn’t seen Lord of the Rings. I managed to trick her into watching the first movie by watching a vlog of some people visiting the hobbit holes in New Zealand.
She loved it. She didn’t like the orcs and the balrog, and the fighting, but she loved the story, all the beautiful nature, the lighthearted nature of the hobbits, all that good beautiful stuff. We saw each of the three movies on a different day and she was the one who asked to see each of the sequels. It was nice to share one of my favorite things with her.
My favorite new movie I saw this year was Dune. It was the first movie I’ve seen in a long while that made me go “Was that it? Where’s the rest of it? That can’t be all there is. I want more!” needless to say I’ll be seeing the sequel in the cinema. I loved the books and I loved the movie too.
I have seen countless arguments in Reddit threads and I couldn’t figure out who was in the right or wrong unless I looked at the upvote counts. Even if the person is uttering a blatant lie, they somehow make it sound in a way that is completely believable to me. If it weren’t for those people that could exactly point out the irrationality behind these arguments, my mind would have been lobotomised long ago.
Upvotes on a comment or thread are absolutely not the way to determine which person is right, and it’s not even the way to determine which point of view is more popular. All those numbers give you is how many upvotes the comment got. In two separate communities, you’ll see completely contradictory statements be most popular because the people who feel a certain way tend to congregate.
If you want to become a more discerning information consumer, you can look up the common logical fallacies and keep them in mind, but nothing beats actually being informed, and forming your own opinion. Now, this is pretty hard because all news media is inherently biased, and so many things happen all the time that it’s hard to keep up.
What I’ve found helpful, is when it comes to things I don’t know about, I read the discussion as “this person says this, and that person says that”, rather than “this person is saying the truth, and that person is lying”. If it’s a subject that matters to me, I’ll have a look at some news, see where the general consensus is, analyze it from my own point of view, and form my opinion like that. If it doesn’t really matter to me, I don’t really do that, and just relay information as “I heard it might be either X or Y, but I don’t know for sure”, “I heard from Z that something or other”.
Edit: Of course, it’s not like I’m some paragon of unbiased information crunching. I have my own biases that I’m aware of, but naturally I think I’m right, so I think they’re not a problem, which is probably a problem. Everything you experience is relative.
Regular mechanical watch. I don’t care about my notifications, I just want what is effectively a piece of jewelry. I prefer the watch to a bracelet because I also appreciate the worksmanship and design of the analog machine.
To be fair, the droplet wasn’t exactly a bumper car. It could ram and destroy several ships before your human reaction time could tell which way it went. It went so fast it could pass through a ship leaving a hole behind and white hot metal and it could turn on a dime at full speed.