As for the card, I bought it before it became apparent how overpriced it was, and it was a major upgrade from my second hand 970 anyway. And I didn’t splurge, I saved and bought what I thought made sense for me, when I could’ve ‘splurged’ on a 3080.
What games are you trying? Off the top of my head, I’ve played monster hunter world, hunt showdown, cyberpunk 2077, baldur’s gate 3, norman reedus and the funky fetus, elden ring, deep rock galactic, doom (the new ones), apex, the dark souls games, warframe, and a few more over the years.
I don’t use them and wouldn’t use them. I like food, and would rather cut into other things’ time to cook and eat.
I generally have a pretty negative opinion of the idea of “replacing meals” with soilent-esque products. I understand the various reasons people use these, and don’t blame them, but to me it’s treating a symptom rather than the problems that cause it.
To my knowledge, hobbit holes have none of those amenities. You can make one of these in a city or suburb if you can get the permit, it’ll just be a strange looking house. That’s not how I interpreted the post.
I empathize with the feeling of living a simpler, happier life, but living like a hobbit would suck for a lot of us.
Indoor plumbing, sewage, electricity and internet, are all way more important to the kind of people who are on this site than they might expect. In addition to that, if you’ve never lived in the countryside, rural living and basic peasant subsistence farming is fucking awful. You are constantly working maintenance and rebuilding damaged property. You’re always dirty, smelly, and tired.