I think I’ve written 3-4 different comments over the last 15 minutes here, and I don’t know what the right thing to answer is, but I loathe to leave you hanging. To put things shortly, and not get too rambly, what little future I can see is shaky, and I hate the song & dance of the holidays. I need some time for R&R, and a change of pace from my daily life.
Regular mechanical watch. I don’t care about my notifications, I just want what is effectively a piece of jewelry. I prefer the watch to a bracelet because I also appreciate the worksmanship and design of the analog machine.
S-tier youtube video, too. No intro or outro, no sponsors, no nonsense. Just a good host talking enthusiastically and intelligently about a hypothetical scenario.
It was definitely badass, an excellent ‘inscrutable monster’ type of foe.
I’ll say though, the droplet was so far ahead of humanity that it didn’t matter what they were prepared for. The droplet could’ve just as easily been a guided projectile (which it was) and it wouldn’t have made a difference.
To be fair, the droplet wasn’t exactly a bumper car. It could ram and destroy several ships before your human reaction time could tell which way it went. It went so fast it could pass through a ship leaving a hole behind and white hot metal and it could turn on a dime at full speed.
I do sure wish I had a balcony. I grew peppers and cherry tomatoes on my windowsill a few years in a row but the effort isn’t worth it for an apartment…