Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
I dont know about his knowledge, really, but I watched a few videos when shopping for my most recent phone and found his reviews to be a bit shallow and personal, not particularly objective and somewhat biased.
But i would like to say, the number of views a youtuber gets is not directly related to the quality of the entertainment other than it has to appeal to the most people in order to make it. That often leaves a bland taste to the videos. Its true of youtube, of music, of film… or any form of media really. You dont get popular by being extremely talented and nishe.
It is also not directly related to being smart. You only have to look at someone like elon musk to see that. Hes, frankly, an idiot. But he has done very well for himself to a point. Obviously, he’s fallen off now,
Fact is, not agreeing that Marquis is a good youtuber is not equal to being triggered, and its kind of ironic coming from the white knighr who cam running to his defence on a fairly obscure message board. :)
How do you solve that? I saw a solution in the comments where it says to start with numbering all the people and butting 1234 and 5678 on the see saw, then it says if they weight the same then continue and that seems to work. But if they dont weigh the same it doesnt work and it doesnt say what to do in that case.
Oh i get it. So if in round 1 it tilted down on the right. Round 2 it was even then round 3 it tilted down on the right then it was person G and they are heavier. However if it was reversed and tilted on the left then even then left then it was still person G but they are lighter. Because that pattern only occurs once. This is brilliant. Thankyou to you and the person you corrected the formatting of.
I’ve had a look into it, and it doesn’t work if you try to do it mathmatically. You always need more than 3 gos on the seesaw.
There is a solution in the replies to my original comment that is the actual solution, and it works every time and is much simpler than any grouping method.
It involves assigning a letter to each person and then aligning that with a grid of positions “left” or “right” or “none” on the seesaw. Over the three rounds. So, person A is on the right all three rounds person b is on the right for 2 rounds then on the left for the 3rd round.
You end up with a list of 12 patterns that do not repeat or mirror any other pattern like “LLL” “LLR” “LRR” “LR-” etc. Then you do all three rounds and compare the position the seesaw was in with those patterns.
If the seesaw was down on the left 2 times the down on the right the third time then you look for which person had that pattern in this case it was person B. So they are the one with a different weight and they were heavier.
Equally, if the opposite pattern occurred. It was down on the right 2 times, then down on the left for round, then that is the opposite pattern of person B and does not occur anywhere else, so it was person B, and they were lighter.
<span style="color:#323232;">person: A B C D E F G H I J K L
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 1: L L L L R R R R — — — -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 2: L L R R R — — — L R L -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 3: L R R — — L R — L L — R
Edit: (Slice of bread with a hole cut in the middle and an egg fried in it.) I have always called them daddy-o eggs but I have recently been informed that is incorrect.- kindly commented that wifi network names of you and your neighbour can be used to locate your address, so please be aware to avoid betraying your privacy. Peace!
Get a miniature machete like the ones they use in the films to cut vines etc. when trying to get through a jungle and bring it with you when you are going down on her.
Bonus points if you get a jungle outfit like nigel thornberry.
This is a coherent method and makes a lot of sense.
Mental gymnastics is when someone has to lie to themselves to make a point that isn’t correct. Like when people argue that trump was a good president because they can list several good things he did.
Or when people claim something is mental gymnastics when it’s actually called maths.
Wallet, coin part with a zip to keep it safe. It sits next to a random quarter i was given as change (im from the uk and it was given in place of a similar looking uk coin) a silver 1 pence coin (apparently they are rare and worth about £60 but as if my lazy arse is gon a sell it (and who actually buys these things anyway?) Some guitar picks and a franc (defunct french currency)
I know younsa8d somewhere you cant use amazon but something like this is perfect. A colleague at work uses a cheap moto phone and they are great considering they are ridiculously cheep. This on is £70 (about 2m vnd) compared to a current flagship phone that can cost over £1000
I always struggle with this. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and i accept that for you, the movie is bad. But when a vast majority of people say it’s good, including average joe as well as experts, enthusiasts, and critics. you have to get to a point where you realise you are the only one in the room who disagrees, and maybe you are wrong, and perhaps you are missing what makes it good.
But yeah, its up to you. You dont have to like something just because everyone else does. It just blows my mind a little.
Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...
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Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
We were warned. (
Programmer tries to explain binary search to the police (
Edit: (What do you call this dish?) (
Edit: (Slice of bread with a hole cut in the middle and an egg fried in it.) I have always called them daddy-o eggs but I have recently been informed that is incorrect.-
What's the funniest WiFi network name you've seen? kindly commented that wifi network names of you and your neighbour can be used to locate your address, so please be aware to avoid betraying your privacy. Peace!
18+ How do i politely ask her to shave?
Funny suggestions only
Be safe out there, Atlanta. (
I love arguement. Free Entertainment! (
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If you don’t use Spotify, what’s your favorite artist and song right now?
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I need one for general purposes only, NOT for gaming, so I don’t really care about gaming-related features....
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Its getting old. (
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What reasons are there for being concerned about companies like google and meta etc collecting data and tracking me?
Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...