Oh i get it. So if in round 1 it tilted down on the right. Round 2 it was even then round 3 it tilted down on the right then it was person G and they are heavier. However if it was reversed and tilted on the left then even then left then it was still person G but they are lighter. Because that pattern only occurs once. This is brilliant. Thankyou to you and the person you corrected the formatting of.
How do you solve that? I saw a solution in the comments where it says to start with numbering all the people and butting 1234 and 5678 on the see saw, then it says if they weight the same then continue and that seems to work. But if they dont weigh the same it doesnt work and it doesnt say what to do in that case.
This is a coherent method and makes a lot of sense.
Mental gymnastics is when someone has to lie to themselves to make a point that isn’t correct. Like when people argue that trump was a good president because they can list several good things he did.
Or when people claim something is mental gymnastics when it’s actually called maths.
Wallet, coin part with a zip to keep it safe. It sits next to a random quarter i was given as change (im from the uk and it was given in place of a similar looking uk coin) a silver 1 pence coin (apparently they are rare and worth about £60 but as if my lazy arse is gon a sell it (and who actually buys these things anyway?) Some guitar picks and a franc (defunct french currency)
I always struggle with this. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and i accept that for you, the movie is bad. But when a vast majority of people say it’s good, including average joe as well as experts, enthusiasts, and critics. you have to get to a point where you realise you are the only one in the room who disagrees, and maybe you are wrong, and perhaps you are missing what makes it good.
But yeah, its up to you. You dont have to like something just because everyone else does. It just blows my mind a little.
I know younsa8d somewhere you cant use amazon but something like this is perfect. A colleague at work uses a cheap moto phone and they are great considering they are ridiculously cheep. This on is £70 (about 2m vnd) compared to a current flagship phone that can cost over £1000
Do routers resolve domains for DNS? Would i need to enter an IP address? How will my router resolve DNS.adguard.com if it needs to use DNS to resolve the domain name? Sorry, that might be a dumb question.