I always get this game if im installing an emulator. It was great. I liked the combinations of guns you could choose. Either power up one of the 4 types or combine with another type. Homing lazers were always my go to.
I still have an aol and hotmail address. I use them for trash website and services that i dont want to give my main email address to. I wouldnt dare open my aol inbox. I might get covid or something.
I dont know about his knowledge, really, but I watched a few videos when shopping for my most recent phone and found his reviews to be a bit shallow and personal, not particularly objective and somewhat biased.
But i would like to say, the number of views a youtuber gets is not directly related to the quality of the entertainment other than it has to appeal to the most people in order to make it. That often leaves a bland taste to the videos. Its true of youtube, of music, of film… or any form of media really. You dont get popular by being extremely talented and nishe.
It is also not directly related to being smart. You only have to look at someone like elon musk to see that. Hes, frankly, an idiot. But he has done very well for himself to a point. Obviously, he’s fallen off now,
Fact is, not agreeing that Marquis is a good youtuber is not equal to being triggered, and its kind of ironic coming from the white knighr who cam running to his defence on a fairly obscure message board. :)
I’ve had a look into it, and it doesn’t work if you try to do it mathmatically. You always need more than 3 gos on the seesaw.
There is a solution in the replies to my original comment that is the actual solution, and it works every time and is much simpler than any grouping method.
It involves assigning a letter to each person and then aligning that with a grid of positions “left” or “right” or “none” on the seesaw. Over the three rounds. So, person A is on the right all three rounds person b is on the right for 2 rounds then on the left for the 3rd round.
You end up with a list of 12 patterns that do not repeat or mirror any other pattern like “LLL” “LLR” “LRR” “LR-” etc. Then you do all three rounds and compare the position the seesaw was in with those patterns.
If the seesaw was down on the left 2 times the down on the right the third time then you look for which person had that pattern in this case it was person B. So they are the one with a different weight and they were heavier.
Equally, if the opposite pattern occurred. It was down on the right 2 times, then down on the left for round, then that is the opposite pattern of person B and does not occur anywhere else, so it was person B, and they were lighter.
<span style="color:#323232;">person: A B C D E F G H I J K L
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 1: L L L L R R R R — — — -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 2: L L R R R — — — L R L -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 3: L R R — — L R — L L — R