What do you call this place?
Electric Valley? Wire Canyon? Zap Way?
Electric Valley? Wire Canyon? Zap Way?
pewgar_seemsimandroid, i never had to call it anything so im calling it zap way
ByteJunk, I need to know where this is, I’m sure I’m going to come across a door with this rune
DreamySweet, Crunskguloria.
NAXLAB, I like zap way
jcrabapple, Electric Avenue. Let’s rock down to it.
kerrigan778, Down by the power lines
JakoJakoJako13, Green Belt
Everythingispenguins, Isn’t that sort of the opposite of a green belt?
JakoJakoJako13, I don’t know. That’s just what everybody in my neighborhood calls it.
Karlos_Cantana, If you put a tent there, I’d call it home.
nilloc, Make sure it has fiberglass poles or things could get a little tingly.
Ildar, Просека
melkiythegreat, ЛЭП - линия электро передачи, если конкретнее
Ildar, Но в общем - просека
captain_aggravated, That’s a powerline cut.
milicent_bystandr, “Ni”
BigDanishGuy, Pogostickland
CPMSP, (edited ) Cross country ski trail after a foot or two of snow.
weariedfae, Utility cut
Hiro8811, This photo makes me think of childhood
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