I just want to exist for awhile. No demands, no stress, no desire for food or water, no life or death. Just exist for awhile in my own little universe devoid of time.
I’m sure it doesn’t work that way and I’d get bored of it eventually but I wonder what it would be like to have that level of freedom, if only for a few moments.
As someone who medically needed one as an adult. I both appreciate my parents for not doing it to me as a child and have the horrible perspective of how painful this actually is.
You’re a monster if you do this to a baby. I barely survived it as a full grown man.
I hate “dumb pot head” jokes. Some of the smartest electrical engineers I’ve ever worked with all smoke copious amounts of weed. One of them says he does math better when he is stoned. I didn’t believe him until we starting flinging random math problems at him after a dab hit. I do not question his authority on the subject any longer.
I knew an extremely functional alcoholic like that once. Dude was a beast with computers and coding but he would rip through two to three Natty Daddy’s a night. Super smart but I just can’t believe he can consume so much every night and function like a normal human being the next day. Apparently he would write and fix code while drinking. Kind of seems like a recipe for disaster but sure enough, he gets it done and done right.
I tried what he did once and nursed a hangover for the better part of a day.
So I kept getting infections down there. This would usually occur due to hygiene. Now before you write me off as a basement dwelling Reddit moderator, the issue only occurred when I would have long layovers at the airport or would go for a weekend camping trip where I couldn’t properly wash myself down there to the fullest extent.
The worst one was finally from a 72 hour delay where I was stuck in the airport. After that infection I had enough and asked the doctor why this was such a big problem for me. He recommended due to the frequency of the issue to have it removed. I have not had infection down there since the operation, despite my activity or plans.
This is making a huge assumption that he existed in the first place. Not sure about you guys but I can’t recall the last time an angel just descended upon us to unleash his wisdom. Pretty sure they were just high as fuck back then and wrote whatever nonsense they could come to with.
All jokes aside the original game was the best but crystal wasn’t too bad. I didn’t really get to play it too much though honestly.
I don’t have anyone to play with so it’s kind of pointless to go through and not be able to trade with someone to get the Pokémon’s I want or fight any real battles.
The best part of red and blue was that everyone else was also playing it when I was a kid. So I could battle my friends on the school bus and trade Pokémon. That’s what made the game so enjoyable and I’m sure that’s why a lot of crystal fans feel the same about their version of the game.