On that topic, Anton Petrov is legit. Daily videos on math, physics, and cosmology. Less frequent but better produced, Sixty Symbols is one of Brady Haran’s channels at University of Nottingham.
I mentioned it in my initial reply, but it’s important to say that friends aren’t generally made during the activity itself. You’re going to make friends by helping set up, making sure the space is clean afterwards, etc. During a club meeting or volunteer time, you really only have time to focus on The Thing, not each other. The magic happens in the fifteen minutes before the event
I think the language you just used answered your own question: “manage to get”. Those platforms, with likes and retweets, boosts (and to some degree, Karma) are competitive, everyone vying for increased following. Some might follow, comment, retweet or boost genuinely. Most are, at least subconsciously, looking to expand their personal influence.
That attitude obviously also exists here, but it’s tempered by the lack of an endgame. It’s harder to become Internet famous without a scorecard.
I don’t know if it’s providence, algorithm, or confirmation bias, but I just ran into a four-day-old Namexplain video on this exact subject.
TLDR: it used to be the westernmost part of the country, called Northwest Territory, but then we got some more land farther west and changed the name, but then we got more land further further west and didn’t.
If I’m not actively using a tab, I’ll close it, unless I’m working on a longer term project. Right now I’m planning a fairly long trip to South America, so I’ve had several travel sites up for multiple weeks.