This specific thing? Or just an iron chunk of some type?
The reason I know about this is the social aspect of trying to get people with endemic iron deficiency to use a supplement. If you’re from the more industrialized would, I’d figure you’d take supplements that, while more expensive, may or may not be more effective.
You should change your thought process and listen to the experts.
They also would have recommended dietary changes if they actually were applicable. It is this kind of belief that leads to increased harm and is solely the reason why so many children are being harmed and killed by extremely preventable causes.
I’m not accusing you of being someone as heinous as an antivaxxer, but this is the thought process that leads people down that path.
The doctor is unable to stop them from their behavior.
Imagine yourself as a doctor. The patient has the plague. You say, “Take this antibiotic. It will go away.” They say, “We prefer quarantine and chicken noodle soup”.
Do you say ok? Or do you admonish them and risk they get angry and do nothing? Or do you say, that is better than nothing. It is their body.
The only ethical behavior for a physician in this situation is to say, “sure, try dietary modifications”.
They were trying to prevent long term brain development issues by resolving the anemia the fastest evidence-based way, but the patient refused expert advice.
I do. I also have a PhD from a medical school. That’s why I know if eating less milk were the best solution for this individual, they would have said that.
Managing parents’ anxieties is a major part of being a pediatrician. You don’t suggest things that might scare parents when they are not necessary.
Not necessarily licking (I mean, if you do it enough…), but this is a thing
Cool story with interesting social, cultural, and scientific interactions.
It may have been discredited outside of simple iron deficiency since I last read about it, but dietary studies on humans are notoriously difficult to do.
I got pics of my foot during surgery and pics of it a week after the operation. I’d love to share it with people and discuss how neat the human body is. I don’t want to subject people to it who aren’t interested in it, though.
So, I can’t imagine a workplace where you would share a x-ray/ultrasound/CT/mr/PET, where you’d invite people to see it, and the people who showed up could get you in trouble with HR.
Just ask.
There’s nothing prurient about it unless you have weird motives.
It’s like showing Netter. One of the classic human anatomy books.
If you do anyone remotely scientific, there should be no problem.
Just be aware, the camera may add ten pounds. The CT scanner seems to add a lot more.
I love winter squash (roasted and al dente), but I’ve never really liked pureed soups. I can’t complain, but they are too bougie for me. Meanwhile, I’m also wanting lobster/crab/shrimp bisque that need to be that except for the expensive stuff.
i was in middle school and went to olive garden with my parents. the waiter had one of those voices that…you know, that men in the gay community normally have....
There’s something wrong with the way your soup was prepared.
Diced carrots, onion, celery. Saute in butter until ready. Add rinsed split peas, a few bay leaves, salt and pepper. Ham and a ham bone really make this, but make sure there’s not too much ham. That means too much salt. Put those in and cover with (ideally home made, no salt) stock. Cook until done. Remove bone, return meat and cartilage to soup.
So much fiber, so tasty. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions (I really, really despise green beans), but some opinions are less good than others.
Can licking an iron bar get you the daily recommended amount of iron?
How many licks would it take? Can the iron in bars even be processed by the body? Can you do this for other minerals?
Are there any communities here where I can share NSFW medical images?
I got pics of my foot during surgery and pics of it a week after the operation. I’d love to share it with people and discuss how neat the human body is. I don’t want to subject people to it who aren’t interested in it, though.
It's getting to be soup season. What are your favorite soups?
It’s split pea or ham and potato for me....
What nicknames have you been given?
Shower thought … if the government is truly listening to us all 24/7, what nicknames would they give you?...
"Is He Friendly?" by The Other End Comics (
What was the cringiest moment of your life?
i was in middle school and went to olive garden with my parents. the waiter had one of those voices that…you know, that men in the gay community normally have....
It's Soupy Season! (
Enjoy it while it lasts… Climate change will ruin soup season within the decade. 🚫🍜4️⃣😔