There is no better place to spread the good word of Arch Linux than a gas station bathroom. I also let Mormon evangelists into my place just to show them how great Arch Linux is.
Yep, posting something like this on will get you banned for “trolling”. I tried to start a community similar to lemmy shitpost during that initial reddit flee and gave up after getting banned for trolling.
I would opt for the crossbow, machete and axe then use those to commendeer better equipment. Specifically that choice of weapons because axe is useful for chopping trees, machete is a weapon that doesn’t require ammo and it’s a lot easier to make crossbow arrows than bullets. Also take the night vision goggles in the off chance they’re the super high tech kind and not the ir lighting based kind because you’ll never just “find” one of those otherwise. Then use that stuff to basically steal everything on this list and more.
For $1000, I wonder if someone could rig together a very shitty way of making low quality anvils out of garbage like aluminum or very shitty steel/cast iron and pass it off as a “real anvil” that I found in the dump or something.
That would be a lot of work of course but in today’s economy and job market, a huge amount of effort just to get $1000 isn’t necessarily a waste of time especially if you can do it multiple times before they find out.
Having problems with games sometimes is better than having less problems with games at the cost of your system being bloated, slow and designed in such a way that when it breaks you can’t do anything about it besides sfc /scannow and when that doesn’t work as usual, a complete os reinstall. Linux saves me time but that’s only because it’s possible to have the skill to fix all the random issues you run into, unlike with Windows.
I do laundry gauntlet too but a lot of my clothes are tattered and worn. Probably because I still wear a lot of the same clothes I was wearing 10 years ago though and less because of my laundry habits. I did finally retire my oldest jeans this year but the t shirts are still in good enough shape.
But they make the z80 and they’re so proud of the shitty 8 bit processor they made 50 years ago so they’re forcing people to use it and pay modern prices for it. They eventually made an ez80 which is like the z80 but better in some ways and it sounds impressive but if you ever try to design a homebrew computer out of one, you’ll find that it’s not very worthwhile due to the lack of a external wait state insertion pin and if you want to build something better than a z80 or 6502 homebrew, there are better choices than an ez80.