Arch Linux with Sway. I've been enjoying it a lot more since automating the boot up. I open the same programs every day, may as well get Sway to do it for me.
Honestly, I fucking hate the new Dune. The old Dune at least has charm for how goofy it can get. The characters and editing choices I have huge problems with. It's a very pretty movie and most scenes made it in but the characters just aren't there. Also the world isn't established properly. They don't even mention the Landsraad until the tailend of the movie but they're important to know about because they are why the Emperor takes the strategy he does.
In fairness, some companies, especially the big ones, won't accept a hard truth until a third party agency tells them directly. This is primarily because the grunts of the workforce often have the most knowledge of the systems but whose opinions are easy to dismiss.
He's hooked up to a polygraph machine which tests for truthfulness (with debatable accuracy). When asked if he spent their monthly budget on it, he says "yes" and his friend behind gives a thumbs up to indicate he's telling the truth.
It's almost like the incessant marketing of standard optimisation algorithms as artificial intelligence has diluted the tech industry with meaningless buzzwords.
I couldn’t find the Flintstones movie from 1994 anywhere but googling it I found it here and you can either download it via torrent or directly. On top of it it says that the movie is CC0 which means Public Domain. But that can’t really be, it’s only 29 years old....
You've presented quite the leading question but I'll answer for myself.
I was raised Muslim (now I'm atheist) so naturally, I was circumcised. It was done because that's the rite of passage. Am I angry that it was done without my consent? Yes. Could my life have been better with a foreskin? I have no idea. How is my life now? I have many things to complain about, and none are related to my circumcision.
I’m between distros and looking for a new daily driver for my laptop. What are people daily driving these days? Are there any new cool things to try?...
Yor is one of the main characters from SpyxFamily. She's known for being a highly-skilled assassin and extremely gullible. She has these "friends" who don't really like her for some reason.
"Artificial Intelligence". The marketing has overtaken reality and common sense. Until the datasets are re-evaluated with information given with consent, I refuse to consider this snake oil anything more than a fad.
I love Sci-Fi. One of my favourite authors is Philip K. Dick and I've written stories about AI.
I cannot grant the concession that the likes of ChatGPT and Midjourney qualify for the moniker of AI. It would require lowering my standard for what I constitute to be intelligence, such as having a basic degree of awareness. ChatGPT for example will contradict itself and hallucinate information (not new information, just irrelevant and incorrect information) and can do so in the same response. This is not intelligence, this is the mere imitation of intelligence and that is not sufficient.
When it comes to contradictions and hallucinations, sometimes people will put out contradictory information or act hypocritical, the difference is intention. ChatGPT can't help but make contradictions and hallucinations because it has no awareness of what information it's putting forth. It will very convincingly present incorrect information and not know that's what it's done.
It is impressive. Except it's being touted as more impressive than it actually is and that's what annoys me. The complete lack of critically evaluating these models and then giving into survivorship bias.
That's all aside from the privacy and copyright concerns.
Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions (
What Linux OS & Desktop Environment (DE) or Windows Manager (WM) do you use?
I use Arch Linux + i3wm + Dracula theme and DarkReader for browsers :-)
Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?
This question inspired by this post..
PipeWire 1.0 Released For Managing Audio/Video Steams On The Linux Desktop (
Which books have the worst video adaptation?
For me it’s definitely the Dark Tower, but the Golden Compas was also a huge letdown.
What are some modern bullshit jobs?
Jobs that either don’t contribute in any meaningful way or jobs where one would be better off if they were paid to be on call.
Frank! (
AI facial recognition scanned millions of driver licences. Then an innocent man got locked up (
I had no idea that you could download movies from the 90ies from (
I couldn’t find the Flintstones movie from 1994 anywhere but googling it I found it here and you can either download it via torrent or directly. On top of it it says that the movie is CC0 which means Public Domain. But that can’t really be, it’s only 29 years old....
Like finding gold during your work day. (
Circumcised men, how do you feel about your parents having mutilated your penis without your consent?
These things are very controversial when it comes to women, but apparently most think it’s ok when it’s about men....
Hallmark channel go brrrrr (
What are people daily driving these days?
I’m between distros and looking for a new daily driver for my laptop. What are people daily driving these days? Are there any new cool things to try?...
"Yor's Body Count" by ASliceofAlan (
Source: Nitter - RSS
What hobby do you have that no one else in your family shares?
Excluding the obvious ones such as politics, what topics can't you stand listening to people talk about?
For me it’s detailed describtions about people’s dreams....