Ugh yeah I’ve seen it a few times. I think it has something to do with higher usage than the servers can handle at one time so it tries to post, “can’t”, so it does again but the first one did too but idk
This happened to me irl. My cousin said he doesn’t wash his asshole in the shower cus of this. Ignoring the glaring bs, me and my other cousin just told him “wash yah ayse”
But that if both are negative not one pos one neg like the previous commenter gave in their examples, so the true formula has an absolute value in the numerator: |q1Xq2|
Doubtful but interesting thinking. It’s actually a rather simple equation that explains how two equally weighted forces affect one another over distance. The numerator expresses that both forces carry equal weight in the interaction (if they are both the same kind of force, eg gravity or electromagnetism, this makes sense) and they are constructive interactions (both add to the intensity of the interaction) hence multiplying one by the other. The denominator just indicates that the distance between the two things exponentially degrades the force at a power of 2, since the force is spreading out in 2 dimensions (imagine a cone starting at one point and extending to the second, so that when you reach the second point the force is spread across the cross section of that cone, but the only part of the force affecting that second point is the part that touches it).
Hey, the A.I said it not me. (
Seriously spends $80 to drive 20km.. (
We never see the moon's turtle though 🤔 (
I'm reminded of this after the hoopla at the Northern Border died down (
Bless their little hearts as they also blamed Canada again…
homie stacking to signal it's his mother (
sore and lightly seasoned (
Planes :) (
The Planet of Death (
I lose mine last month :( (
Age Combat 🤡 (
Heh (
"Werewolves and Black Cats ... they just don't get along" by hellcorpceo @ deviantart (
Original source:…/Werewolves-and-Black-Cats-423072…...
Why have you excluded me?! (
Paradox how could you (
I have several questions, actually (
How do y'all say GIF? (
Where my watersluts at? (
Be responsible, they said... (