All they had to do was throw it in Early Access while they fixed it. The reviews would likely be stellar in that case. Releasing it fully in this state just feels like some corporate BS. Disappointed in dev and publisher, and they keep making it worse with their weird excuses.
“Built with modern hardware in mind”, homie this shit ain’t even running right on a 4090. And 30fps target? Idk what they’re smoking.
And I literally use my computer to make me $ with Linux development, and IT consulting and game very very little, I’ve also got other PCs.
Edit downvote all you want, I’m just pointing out there’s other ways to use PCs, I’m just slightly annoyed by the stumble, it’s not like I don’t have an entire steam library that plays lol.
Yeah gaming on linux has gotten loads better - but it’s still definitely not quite there as a main gaming platform. Which is frustrating, because I vastly prefer linux as a desktop experience (and obviously for software development), but I just can’t ditch my windows PC for gaming yet.
I’m playing on Linux and it runs perfectly (nixos though). I wouldn’t even be able to guess it was on Linux if I didn’t know. have you tried the latest proton / proton ge?
Tbh, the game’s great. I’ve literally see someone compare playing a city managment game at 30fps to a slideshow.
Does it run well? No. Is it a disaster? Also no. Is every single other aspect of the simulation better than cs1? Absolutely yes. Most of the reviews are by far exaggerated
To me it’s win win. I can wait for it to go on sale and by then it will actually run on my PC. If it was finished on day one I’d be really tempted to buy it full price.
I have no issue playing. It runs smooth. I did encounter several bugs though. But that’s usual for games released nowadays. I hope those get patched soon. Although I’m happy it works for me, I’m sad to see so many people have much worse experiences. Game developers aren’t what they used to be. Except Larian Studios, they are great.
Places don’t feel as alive as they did in the original. The original was still deeply flawed, mind - but this goes even further than that.
A great example - when there was a firetruck putting out a fire in the original, you could see little dudes squirting water. CS2 doesn’t even have guys come out; the fire just magically goes away. Multiply this by… everything.
There’s no bikes (at least as far as I can tell), and the pedestrian path tooling seems to be a huge step back (the only dedicated pedestrian path I can find is technically considered a 2-lane road, but it doesn’t allow cars).
The music has these cute little segments inbetween. But there’s only like… 5 of them. Once you hear all 5, you’ve heard everything and they start to grate. The other 2 “radio stations” don’t have the NPR segments, but they do have “ads”… and by “ads” they mean exactly 1 ad that you hear every time for “Spaz Electronics”. You can turn the ads off but I’d expect more than just a single one.
Everything overreacts to anything you build. If you upgrade a road, it technically disconnects power + water + sewage for a hot second. Then you get a bunch of spam about “I don’t have any power!” blah blah even though the game was paused and they absolutely had power.
It’s really hard to see what trips Cims are taking. The original let you see the paths Cims took throughout your city, which let you make informed decisions around public transport. Now you can just see… how much traffic there is? Which doesn’t tell you anything about where Cims are going, just where you have bottlenecks. It very much encourages a “just 1 more lane, bro” kind of thinking.
Not having a wide variety of public transport options is a bummer. It feels like they left some stuff out for a future DLC (e.g. monorails).
There’s no light shining from the camera at nighttime, so it can get actually literally pitch black at night. Like “turn off the day/night cycle because this is unplayable” levels of dark. A subtle light coming from the camera when not in photo mode would’ve done wonders.
The zoning information is really hard to read. I can’t tell what areas I have zoned with something else because it colors areas from other zones as white and unzoned areas as clear… on a mostly white background. It’s really really hard to tell at-a-glance what needs to still be zoned in some cases.
The more I play it, the more it feels like CS1 is the sequel and CS2 is the original. There’s just so much that’s not done as well or that’s simply not there. The stuff they added is cool, sure… but like, I wish it was additive on top of what we had before, and not “back at square one”. It just makes me want to play the original.
Can you imagine how much slower the game would have been with bicycles, individual paths and subtle light coming from the camera at night? These were probably performance decisions, not gameplay (though it’s possible it was rushed and they cut out non essentials for release).
The original ran like shit too and its UI was garbage compared to any SimCity. Never understood the love for that game. SC3KU was the peak of city sim games.
When Interplay decided that Sim City needed goofy, over-the-top FMVs on a CD-ROM…I think that was peak Sim City. As a kid, I was disappointed 2k and 3k didn’t have professional, career-oriented adults yelling at you for your incompetence in FMV.
I hadn’t realised till just now, but I do miss SC’s bullying and harassment. I don’t unleash disasters near as much nowdays, and I wonder if that’s part of why. I don’t have department heads and politicians openly disappointed in me all the time.
The small masochist in me is trying to convince me to ask for that feature back.
For me it’s just Project Aces, but even then only in theory. I bought AC7 on release-day but I didn’t pre-order, and while I could see myself pre-ordering AC8 when/if they announce it I might just wait for the release again.
TBH it’s not really the end of the world. I remember the first one running like hot garbage on my PC. Granted maybe it was my shitty CPU being FX-8320 at that time.
On my machine I got around 40-70 with the default settings. For a city management game having a stable (meaning not crashing) game would be its first priority. Although I definitely see this as an early access release regardless of what CO is saying. So I played this on my Game Pass sub. My regional pricing for Game Pass is really good, as converted to the dollar is only tree fiddy. Although the minimum wage in my country is only 1/4 of the US so it all adds up to the same I guess.
Mate, if you’re paying 50$ and have a really good PC, the base level competency should atleast be that the game runs. Let alone the quality or content.
That doesn’t make the criticisms invalid. But, there’s always an option to vote with your wallet by treating this release as an early access and not buying it with the current condition and with full price.
Most people lambasting the game makes it seem that they HAVE to buy the game with the current condition no matter what. Just file this game as a play in Game Pass or buy it next year when there’s a sale. If more people skip from buying the game at full price the devs will get the message and will try to release the game when the game is ready to be released like Larian.
I actually do this by buying recent Larian games (D:OS, D:OS2, & BG3) at day one or close to it after the review embargo is lifted (to see whether it’s worth buying or not) to reward them releasing their games in a complete state. Even BG3 had some issues with performance and cut content with their 3rd act.
Maybe don’t jump the hype train every time and instead choose to play proven and established games from developers who are known to deliver quality, which exist in abundance?
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