I don’t think you can get around that. What I do is that if the site requires a registration, or has a full-screen cookie banner, then I just close that tab. End of story.
If I can’t view it easily, then I will just not view it.
YNAB is a web app and mobile app. It’s beauty is that it helps you look FORWARD, instead of tracking your PAST spending.
It’s not much use to see that you spent too much last month, again. Instead, YNAB helps you know what your average expenses are and lets you set aside meaningful amounts for each kind of expense = that’s what we call a BUDGET.
Yes, it has a cost. Yes, it’s ironic to spend money on a tool to save money. But here’s the thing: it really works! For me, it’s easily worth the cost.
When I have seen enough there but still want more, I go to the All feed.
With good luck, I find new communities and subscribe to those. That improves my Subscribed feed, see step 1.
with bad luck, I find a lot of crap in the All feed. When I notice recurring annoying communities, I go to their sidebar and block them. That improves my All feed, see step 2.
And if you reverse extrapolate that some 65 million years, you’ll see that the real reason why the dinosaurs ied out was because they all got hit in the head with moon!
I’m new to 3D printing but Gridfinity is a game changer. Make your own storage, but this is made to fit into a standard grid, incredibly flexible and useful.
PiVPN is elegant. Easy install, and I am impressed with the ascii QR code it generates.
But I could not make it work. I am guessing that my Android setup is faulty, orrrr maybe something with the Pi? This is incredibly difficult to troubleshoot.