I feel like just more app icons in general are blue than any other color. Off the top of my head in addition to what you mentioned I have shazam, venmo, signal, steam, blink, reolink, dropbox, steam, paypal, discord, max, disney plus. And that’s not even counting one’s that are majority white but with blue as the only color. I think it’s just the most popular design choice or maybe there’s some sinister market research somewhere that shows people use/spend more on apps that have blue icons.
Sounds like you have a highly subsidized mortgage. That’s why you’re being downvoted. Investments are supposed to have risk. The risk of not making a profit is what you take on when you purchase real estate as an investment. It is not a renters problem whether you are profitable or not.
The only benefit I get by continuing to own the property is the appreciation in equity and principle payments to the mortgage.
Sounds like you’re still getting a sweet deal then. Once the mortgage is paid off you will own property outright that you paid very little for compared to it’s value.
Starting in the middle ages, they used to catch ducks and other waterfowl with a special building that was a big trap. (en.m.wikipedia.org)
I guess it's the pretty colors? (lemmy.world)
The system is broken (lemmy.zip)