There is nothing wrong with throwing facts at people. Thats how learning happens. Somewhere along the lines, the MAGA clowns decided that they can argue that 2+2 isn’t 4 anymore.
Essentially, just because they managed to lean how to un-learn everything that requires basic logic, doesn’t mean that we need to rewrite the rules.
There’s tons of dumbass stick posts on a community that was recently created for the purpose of sharing pictures of sticks. It’s essentially the new beans meme for all the kids to rally around.
No. I don’t care. A junkie is a junkie. Having a neurological condition doesn’t give you an excuse to get whacked out on meth 7 days a week. CANCER is a disease. Addiction is NOT.
I say this as someone with ADHD and ASD, and as a person who lost a friend to addiction this year.
Junkeyism ALSO isn’t a disease. It’s a bad decision. Tens of thousands of children die of cancer every year. Cancer- a REAL disease. A disease they never asked for.
Their cause of death shouldn’t be categorized alongside dipshits that chose to shoot drugs into their veins.