Contrary to what you might think, those people probably believe in the thing they posted. Just because it makes you angry, doesn’t mean it has that effect on everyone else.
Them: Your flibble zamph is sploiching the VRP gorp like a triple-flam glibber pod! You should toggle the bizzle cloud so you can updank all of your pog-dorts.
The fact that you think I’m shaming anyone speaks volumes about how there’s things you need to fix about yourself.
I said nothing about the quality of character of those donating, or the man that received donations- only that maybe the actual victims could use the money more…
Lighten up, kid. Just because I chose not to partake in some flavor-of-the-week slang, doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to keep up with change.
I’m allowed to have an opinion that it’s fucking dumb.
And if it’s Shakespearean that you’re after….
Verily I perpend that though mayest o’er-rauhot thine aversion to proclivity and hastily fornicate thyself with nigh but the expertly expedience of one so deserved of such an unpregnant act.