You know, racists share the exact same mindset as you. You make a blanket judgement call on the entirety of a thing, based on the actions of a minority of a thing.
Is the same as:
“All black people are gangster criminals”
They’re both ignorant blanket statements based on zero proof or evidence to support it. There are bad PEOPLE in every line of work. Law enforcement certainly attracts them a lot more than say… sanitation, but that doesn’t mean that ALL are bad.
Based on all the comments here, you’d think anything posted on the internet is accepted as absolute truth. It’s not such a stretch to assume everyone believes this bullshit.
Very slim chance this actually happened. There no actual photo of the flag, just a digital image that was created. Which means if it was not the creator of the flag, but a third person- they’d have a photo of the flag or in the least- not bothered recreating it in photoshop, but just describing it in enough detail. And if it was the creator that posted this- it wouldn’t be in 3rd person suggesting “someone” did this.
Additionally, In the rare chance it did happen- it wouldn’t be enforced.