Sure, go right ahead and get to work on that plan then. I’m sure everyone in the suburbs will agree to give up their homes and land and move to the dense urban Soviet-style shitholes that you envision as the perfect way to live.
All public transport vehicles are heavier than my personal vehicle though. Also public transport doesn’t provide the freedom of choosing any destination that you want, and taking yourself there on your own schedule. That’s what I was talking about.
I’ve noticed that people often imagine that they know what kind of person I am, because in their minds it makes it easy to build up a strawman version of a person that fits their preconceived ideas of the “bad guy” that’s opposed to their dumb ideas. Here you go again, doing that. But in reality, all you know is that I made fun of your idea of rioting against cars.
There’s no comparison to the personal freedom of having a car versus being dependent on others to ferry you around. That’s why America will always be built around our great car infrastructure. We will never give up our freedom to roam our huge awesome land.
No, how about an essay is an essay, no matter if you film yourself reading it or not. The content of the message is what is important, not the medium it’s presented in.
This is how I feel about watching videos to learn something versus reading an article or a paper about the subject. I would almost always rather read about it than have to sit and listen to some awful youtuber blab about themself while dancing around the subject I had interest in.