This trope and this meme are lame and wrong. You people have a ridiculous idea about Libertarians that is nothing but plain prejudice.
I encourage anyone to prove me wrong by reading this Libertarian Party Platform document. Please point out anything about age of consent that is included in the Libertarian platform.
Additionally, prove me wrong by showing any example of a Libertarian party member stating support for adults abusing children in the manner alluded to in this prejudiced meme / trope.
EDIT: Downvotes don’t prove anything folks. I issued a challenge here - is nobody going to prove me wrong?
You can go ahead and point out where I mentioned Lemmy in my prior comment. But I will address that now, and of course TikTok is not better than Lemmy.
But what my prior comment was about is that the content from TikTok is unhealthy for the mind. Therefore Lemmy should not host it at all.
I already downvote the porn posts that are just dancing hoes from TikTok. Or anything with that watermark on it. Everyone who cares about mental health and reducing propaganda and misinformation should join me in doing so.
No I am offended by the prejudice behind the joke. It’s as bad as Trumptards and Qanon morons calling Democrats pedos.
Probably not a great idea to alienate the Independent type voters ahead of important elections as well. Democrats / Leftists / whatever you are should be courting the votes of those who are not-Republicans rather than driving more division.
It’s still not necessary to qualify it that way. “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” stands on its own with the preceding sentence explaining Why.
Regardless of semantics, the Supreme Court has confirmed individual rights to bear arms in triplicate and that matter is settled.
I’ve never had to pay a fee to withdraw cash from an ATM in the USA, unless it was from a different bank than mine. Other banks charge for the convenience of taking your money from their ATM, when you don’t have an account with their bank or affiliate.
It’s easy to avoid those fees by just going to your own bank’s ATM.
The Home folder is there, but you just didn’t know how to find it. What you experienced was “not knowing what you’re doing” which just means you needed to learn how to use what you were trying to use.
I don’t go to any of the movies in the theater but I watch a lot of them on my nice big TV at home.
They are a hell of a lot more interesting than the average boring TV show about Cops, Judges, Doctors, and Lawyers. Maybe there should be a superhero that combines all those like Dr Cop Judge, Attorney at Law and Private Investigator for Hire. Judge Dredd wasn’t enough.
Absolute bullshit. You are making up your own prejudiced definition, even after I provided a link to the party platform that LITERALLY defines the political stance.
In other words, you can’t prove me wrong, so you move the goalposts.
That’s great and everybody should do that, but it’s beside the point that an app running code on your device is there. It’s even better to do all of the above and still not use the bullshit apps when there is a website available.
I use GrapheneOS and I still don’t install anybody’s app. Discounts on hamburgers with an app? Fuck that. No app for you.
Actually yeah I do install some apps, but most are open source from F-Droid.
Because I don’t have all the commands to do everything memorized. Also powershell versions and compatibility / features have changed a lot over the years.
Not to say that Powershell is a bad thing in any way, it is quite useful for the stuff I do at work. But it is a mess just like the rest of MS.