Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. This all works fine in the USA for us, it’s not a bad system at all.
I have ALL options available to me - cards, contactless payment, cash, credit, whatever. I celebrate the fact that cash is an option that lets me avoid having every data-hoarding entity collect records of my purchases.
Taxes aren’t fucking me anywhere, I pay them and I get government services and infrastructure in return. Taxes aren’t hurting me at all in fact.
Yeah but that doesn’t happen. Cash payment is the default standard that backs up the other forms of payment that depend on Internet / phone infrastructure and electricity.
No business that I have ever patronized has refused cash, but many have been cash only and were not able to accept cards or contactless payment. Power outages, Internet outages, etc all can bring down payment systems’ infrastructure.
That’s how it is in the USA, and it’s a good system. Cash is reliable and puts the entire monetary purchasing power into the literal hand of the citizens, versus cards and other digital payment systems that can be controlled by authorities to deny your access to your own money.
Yeah I had the original B&W Gameboy and the battery life was not great, so you could not use it in all of those places unless you were rich and had an endless supply of AA batteries.
It was good for a couple hours on one set of 4 AA batteries if I recall correctly. We did have rechargables back then but they were Ni-Cad and they sucked, took forever to recharge.
Businesses in the USA, especially regions with a higher proportion of black or hispanic residents, will go out of business if they stop accepting cash. It’s not going to happen.
Can you imagine being content in life and not caring what Internet nerds think about anything? No? Too bad for you. That’s my reality.
Liberty is the most important value/concept to uphold in society and politics, therefore the Libertarian party is the best overall choice to support. Anyone who proposes to reduce liberty for the citizens of America automatically loses my support.
My ethics are clear and I’m proud of my voting record, no matter what you or anyone else thinks. Proudly supporting freedom should be applauded rather than mocked. So it’s actually you who should be ashamed for attempting to suppress our freedom with your prejudiced garbage.
When I open my phone, I look at a couple of things like news / weather / Lemmy, and then in about 5-10 minutes I’m done taking a dump and I put the phone away until I get a message.
Most of the time I don’t use a smartphone for the Internet, it’s just my pocket messenger device.