Yep I saw some Indians near Atlanta who were wearing big coats when it was just a hair below 70 F outdoors. I was out there loading stuff into my car in shorts and a T-shirt and they looked at me funny.
The opposite of that, that I also saw was my portly Eskimo friend, who was in shorts and a T-shirt in the actual winter time when I needed a big coat. He was like “You think this is cold?”
Without cash, you can’t have privacy. All card or contactless payments are logged and probably sold to advertisers or anyone with enough cash who wants that info.
FYI you should turn over each of your fire extinguishers at least once every 6 months to keep them working right. That means pick it up, rotate it upside-down, and let the stuff inside slide to the top, then turn it back over. I learned this from a fire inspector that I had to guide through a datacenter once.
This is how I feel about watching videos to learn something versus reading an article or a paper about the subject. I would almost always rather read about it than have to sit and listen to some awful youtuber blab about themself while dancing around the subject I had interest in.
Haha I didn’t think people still retained that ancient knowledge of motoring success. The good ole days of weak 4-cylinder cars and trucks, when you’d disengage the AC to get more power to go up a hill or something. I’ve met several people who didn’t know it was even a thing.
You may be right in general, but none of that is a good excuse for a transactional sex life.
If I wanted to exchange services (labor) for sex, I could simply take the money earned from labor to purchase it from a prostitute. That is not what a marriage should be like.
No, I don’t want to see that brainwashing garbage. It’s curated to wreck the brains and society of Western democracies.
Everyone should have heard about this by now, but China’s version of TikTok is vastly different than ours. It is limited to mostly educational content and has built-in screen time limits. They know what is bad about our version of it, and it’s on purpose.
Yes, the beskar armor that the Mandalorians have has been shown to block lightsabers several times. I’m betting that adamantium is stronger than beskar, so Darth Vader could only cut Wolverine until he hit bones, and then Wolverine just shrugs it off. The Force telekinesis would be more dangerous to him.
Credit cards should be avoided at all times, unless you have the money to pay them off each month. Or if you’re getting zero-interest financing and you are able to stick to the plan of paying it off before interest gets added.
Getting into credit card debt is one of the most common and worst poverty traps. Getting behind on credit card bills can ruin your credit and take years to repair, which impacts your financial stability when it comes time to make a purchase with Real Credit such as a home or car.
My best poverty tip is to not buy expensive things that are unnecessary. Also cook your own food at home, and learn to repair anything that you value. I’ve saved thousands of dollars over the years by doing my own car repairs, and driving old cars long past having them paid off.
No, how about an essay is an essay, no matter if you film yourself reading it or not. The content of the message is what is important, not the medium it’s presented in.