I just watched this episode today! Show is is good, I love old adult swim cartoons. I gotta rewatch through Xavier Renegade Angel at some point as well
Does the word “nagging” really suggest she’s bad when there’s needs to be a transactional economy where he only contributes to the care of his child after trading in his good boy points for a tendies a blowjob?
I hope some of the folks in this thread get the partner they deserve.
Relationships are a two way street, and dynamics like this are pretty common. It’s sometimes called over/under functioning or codependency in substance abuse. It could be the over functioner just tore the other person down, or the under functioner was susceptible already or drew it out of the over functioner. I agree it’s really difficult to know based on limited data, and all we can say is this is strange and comes across as infantilizing but if it works for them then whatever tbh. Not my relationship to care about
Alright, I’m sure the big boy that needs a sticker chart for washing the dishes and taking care of his children is the mature one in the relationship, you right, she’s probably in the wrong here.
You assume he “needs” a sticker chart when just as easily the wife could be trying to get him to do all of it instead of his share. That’s your bias showing.
Plus this inhumane and soul destroying regardless.
Who the fuck makes a sticker chart with BJs and naked hula dances?
Based on the evidence I’ve seen, women do tend to bear more of the cognitive load of running a household in our society. Can you share any evidence that says otherwise? I’d love to learn.
I haven’t done that much research, but a quick Google scholar search suggests that it’s a pretty gendered issue.
We’ve established that the task of maintaining on a household typically falls on women in our society.
We have an example here of a sticker chart being used to encourage a man to take care of his child.
You’re saying I’m biased for thinking that the man needs this chart.
Nah, bruh, I’m just looking at the data and drawing conclusions.
Sure, there are exceptions, but when we lack any other indicators of exceptions, it’s safe to assume societal roles carry over. Making any other assumption is ironically letting YOUR personal biases show.
If I tell you 7/10 balls in a box are red, 3/10 are blue, and ask you to guess the color of a ball I’m grabbing from the box, what’re you going to guess? Red.
I’m pretty sure this sticker chart is fake anyways, but it’s the reaction of folks to this that’s surprising.
Anywhere. Now keeping that relationship going will be the tricky part. Think of it cynically. If the only thing you are doing for her is giving her money and adding to the workload she can get your money and not have to work for you by getting divorced. Who doesn’t want to do less work for the same amount of money? She won’t have a relationship with you she will have it with your bank account.
In general I try to be sympathetic to new parents. I was terrified to watch my first born when she was born. Everything else I could help with but I kept worrying that something would happen if I watched our baby alone. It took time, and I built confidence. Then mom was able to run errands or have fun for a few hours. The thing is I wanted to improve.
Yeah one of the guys I work with has a 4-5 month old. He came back to work a few weeks ago and Mom is still on maternity leave. He made the comment that because he is working 100% of the child care is done by mom. He has to work so she can has to everything for the kid.
I just said. Wtf and walked away. That is no way to be a father
Marriage is a partnership, and both parties need to be contributing. If one person is expected to work 8+ hours a day outside of the home–plus commute, etc.–then the other person needs to be doing the things that keep the household operating. The gender of the people don’t matter; if my wife works as an attorney, and I am a househusband, that means that yeah, I’m doing the cleaning, the laundry, paying the bills, pet care, and all the other things that need to be done while she’s at work. Because housework is my job.
Yeah, what you’re saying is mostly reasonable but for the mom to do 100% of childcare is bullshit. What kind of dad is that? I personally can’t wait to hold my daughter after work and my “commute”.
Kinda sounds like they want the fun parts like the child holding you enjoy with none of the bad parts, which I don’t think you could consider yourself a father for, more like an uncle.
Putting toilet seat down shoud not be ‘let’s negotiate my tasks’
That is literally on the list. And what is more cringeful is that you have a house full of kids and an open toilet of water is just asinine level of idiocy from a parent.
That’s ‘ I shouldn’t have to wipe my own ass’ level of incompetence.
TBQH, I should be able to accomplish the day-to-day tasks required to keep a household from sliding into chaos within 10-12 hours in a day. That doesn’t mean that the spouse that works outside the home won’t have to help with irregular chores. But hey, if I sit around on my ass all day and play video games while my wife is at work, and then expect that we’re going to work together to get general household shit done when she gets home, then I’m a huge asshole.
It’s fake, Its a crooked depiction of a toxic relationship which is fucked up, I know, but why would a guy need to be reminded to clean up, or care for their children?
I see everyone is quick to jump on the domestic abuse hate train, but if you are a guy and not doing these things in a relationship you are just as fucked up as this imaginary psycho partner.
At first I was thinking they were making fun of people who go to the ‘she’s a nag’ absurdity(it is in shitPost ). Sadly some misogynists got triggered in here.
How exactly do the gays transact for sex with their spouses? Like, do they pick one who will withold sex from the other until chores are done? Or do they swap roles monthly? How do they decide which one will be the begger and which one will grudgingly submit to their clumsy, sweaty defilement?
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