It’s a tool like anything else. It’ll be used for everything like anything else. It cannot be stopped. All we can hope for are tools to mitigate the damage and applications to outweigh what bad it’s capable of. Trying to slow it down is like trying to stop a flood with buckets. Build a boat, it will only keep rising.
They’ve been ordered to allow the federal agents to carry out their duties but adding new wire has “effectively barred” the agents from doing what the supreme court has ruled they have the legal right to do. Yes, they’re allowed to cut holes in existing wire but by constantly adding new wire and barriers, it’s actively defying that ruling.
I know the ruling doesn’t explicitly say “Texas can no longer put up razor wire” but this is like being told by your mom “your brother is allowed to play on the xbox” and you giving them an unplugged controller. They’re allowed to play on the xbox, you’re allowed to give them an unplugged controller, but you actively went against her ruling and earned a whooping.
They were ordered to stop putting the fence up, ignored it, and continued to put the fence up. Yes, if the Texas National Guard is federalized they probably won’t refuse orders but that has to be an active choice by Biden to do. Until then, they are under the Governor’s orders which have been to ignore the supreme court ruling and federal law.
It is the definition of treason as the Governor is expected or trusted to obey federal laws.
No I know it was just a really weird time to try and use that line. I can only assume they were trying to be funny while the guy prior was coming to terms with the peril of being a Texan right now.
Them defying the supreme court is a step they haven’t taken before. It forces Biden to respond or look incredibly weak. Either he allows a red state to actively break federal law and make treasonous statements or he arrests Abbott. It’s not just drama anymore.
Oh that’s cute, the state I live in is supporting treason. Well we all know what the punishment for treason is. Hope they’re just posturing because if these morons actually try this shit they’re going to get rolled over.
Wait, dead Republicans might actually make the country better. This might be okay.