Maybe if we stop teaching our children that the most important thing in life is to have more stuff than your neighbors, it will stop being part of our nature.
Not Rick had a great answer, but I wanted to try to contribute simple examples:
True, skin color is a trait that can be traced by DNA, but so is eye color, or hair color. We could easily create “races” based on “Brown hair vs blonde hair”, “brown eyes vs green eyes”, “people who need glasses vs people that don’t”, “shorties and tall-os”, “those who can roll their tongue, and the inferior swine that were never blessed by the Great tongue father.”
All traceable in the same way as skin color, but we consider them “features”, and not race defining traits.
Could you come up with a new term for people that you don’t like? I have friends and family with autism, and they have nothing in common with these people.
It’s not really fair to associate good people with these cartoonish villains, just because you don’t understand autism.
This may be obvious to some, but for everyone else: A Chromebook is not a computer. It’s a giant Android phone. Unless all your problems could be solved by a bigger screen and keyboard for your phone, do not buy a Chromebook.