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No, that won’t work.

A vibration switch will work.

If that’s not sensitive enough, another option is using a piezo element coupled to the case to detect vibration, with an op-amp or hex inverter to buffer + trigger the 555. However if you couple it too closely with e.g. the floor or furniture it will pick up nearby footsteps or cars. Might be good depending on the situation.

Looking for really small motors

Im building a flashlight and i want to test if a fan in it would be a good idea but the flashlight is really small so i would need a motor thats smaller than 1 cm preferably. I found really good ones at maxon group but unless you order them in bulk(1000+ units) they cost like 400€. So do yall know anywhere i could find them?...


Hm, that reminds me! If you’re designing your own PCB, some manufacturers will make the PCB out of aluminum for you instead of FR4. This is commonly used for high-intensity LED lights to help keep them cool.

Here’s some random info about them so you can see what I mean:…/An_Introduction_to_Aluminum_PCBs_by…

An alternative would be copper-clad polyimide adhered to the body. That also has better thermal properties than FR4.


In seconds? Wow. I think you’re right, you might need more than a small fan!

It might be worth exploring heat pipes or peltier effect coolers. The latter makes the problem worse (they are inefficient and generate a lot of heat) but your LED can be locally cooler if you can e.g. move all that extra heat into a big heatsink (also condensation can be problematic).

One cheap source of heat pipes for testing could be old graphics cards – they often outperform simple copper heat sinks. Use thermal epoxy to stick your LED to it and see if the performance is acceptable. On the exotic end of things, you could also water/oil cool it, or (carefully) make your own thermal grease from industrial diamond powder for a small boost in thermal conductivity.

Also even at 95% efficiency, it sounds like your boost converter has some heat to dump too!


Hah! I totally didn’t notice that. Good catch.


That sounds even better!


Yup, seen that for sure.

Did you try turning the little adjustment knob in your probe to calibrate it? Sometimes needs a small screwdriver. Here’s a reference:…/HowToCalibrate10xProbe.pdf

What I’m referring to is labelled ‘Cap Trimmer’. The document also has some waveform images that match your problem.

I have a Siglent and it looked like this at the dealership, then they adjusted the probe a bit, and then it was 100% fine.

How should I get started?

Hello y’all! I’ve always been interested in computers and programming for as long as i can remember, but recently i’ve decided to try to get into some of the deeper stuff behind that, into the wonderful world of electronics. Where should I start? What courses or books or youtube series should I consume? What are some...


There are a lot of differences, but I’ll try and go over the high level ones. The RP2040 is a chip, and the others are boards – so I’ll compare the chips on them.

The RP2040 chip is really powerful overall, and does some odd things with I/O that let you do a bunch of very fast, precise things. You also get a lot of I/O pins and they are very well-behaved. The main advantage though is that it works well in both Python and C++, and is well-supported.

The ESP32 based board (Thing Plus) has integrated WiFi. The ESP32 is a great chip, I use it a lot, but it has some unfortunate quirks. First, it has a very high clock speed and decent memory, making it quite powerful. However, if you glitch out the network stack via your code, it can have some problems with unexpected resets. This was much worse with the earlier-generation ESP8266. Secondly, the I/O work much more slowly than the system clock (if I recall correctly), and they are picky about what state they have on startup – some go high as part of the boot process, others must be high or low on boot but can be used after. This is actually quite a pain sometimes. It’s a great chip overall though and works well in C++.

The Pro Micro uses an ATMEGA32 chip. I’m a huge AVR fan so I don’t have many bad things to say, I like it a lot. It is much slower than the other two chips though, and has less memory. Probably it’s best to use C++, but you ought to be able to use Assembly too if you like. The I/O on AVRs are really well-behaved and usually operate at the same speed as the chip, which is nice when you need precise timing! The best thing about it though, is it can use much less power than the other two options, if you use the sleep modes right. So you can build neat battery-powered applications. Finally AVRs have excellent datasheets – there’s rarely any ambiguity on exactly how any system on the chip works.

Overall, I’d choose an RP2040 board if I wanted to use Python and do IoT/Robots/whatever (you can buy boards with or without WiFi), an ESP32 based board if I wanted to do IoT stuff in C++, and the Pro Micro if I wanted to do low-level, low power embedded stuff in C++ or assembly (and maybe branch out into other AVR chips). The C++ options mean you can use the Arduino IDE and their libraries.

Considering positioning strategies for autonomous mechanum-wheeled robots

Disclaimer: this is not specifically for a commercial product, but various things I design sometimes get commercialized. I mention this so that you may decide whether you want to weigh in. If it’s commercialized, I will probably make very little money but a bunch of university students may get a neat STEM program in the...


Yup. Agree. Probably going to go with a LiDAR-first approach.


Haha, I know exactly what you mean – I’m most interested in resource-constrained embedded systems. I like the attiny10 a lot. At work I mostly write Python, but in my own time it’s mostly assembly language. It feels more concrete, every decision matters, and anything that goes wrong is 100% your fault as there are relatively few bugs at that level. It’s a lot of fun. Also the datasheet is very good.

I’m self-taught with all the electronics stuff, I paid for it by teaching a course on whatever thing I did most recently. Then I’d use the proceeds to buy tools and parts for the next big (often dumb) idea. I’d also ask for the software engineering assignments from colleagues in those programs, and complete them in my spare time. It was puzzling to a few people why I would want to do assignments, and indeed some were very boring (oh god Java + Spring framework) but others were quite interesting (formal study of algorithms). Sadly, economic reality kicked in and I had to run a company instead of pursuing my education further (I still try to do one ridiculous engineering thing per year though).

I guess there’s a real risk (…like 100%) that I overestimate the motivation students have – so I think I’m going to take your advice and set the level of abstraction with something API-like to abstract away the low-level components (this is closer to my client’s domain). I’m imagining a robot that acts as a WiFi access point, and having something “like an API” that works over UDP packets that describe high-level functions. Then start with something simple – like a digital map with known starting location, and a small obstacle course that can be completed with simple distance measurement, no point clouds. If that goes well, I can develop towards more complex material – probably not full SLAM, but maybe localization on a pre-mapped surface. I have plenty of my own code as examples of how to do simple UDP communications in Python, I could expand it into a custom library.

Sort of like Logo from 1983, but with a physical robot and sensors. I’m a little to young to have used Logo, but the computer lab in my school was really outdated so I got to try it once :D


They’re university software engineering students, probably a year or two into their degrees. I’m hoping to provide the robots as completed units that are controlled via API, because we’re not likely to get many students with electrical, mechanical, or embedded backgrounds. You’re right about the complexity though, and that’s something I’ve been thinking about – I guess I’ll start out with a bit of optimism regarding their talents, and scale back if needed :D

I don’t really have a scope, budget, timeline, or audience properly defined for this project – in short my client has a STEM program for building and interacting with digital maps, but it’s way too boring and I’m determined to breathe some life into it. So I’m going to have to play a lot of things by ear.


Ok yeah – I’m leaning toward relying more on the laser ToF than the rotary encoders.

A simple algorithm of ‘pick a lidar point and drive toward it’ does sound simplest. Thanks for weighing in!

Learning about electronics

Hello! What would be a good way to learn about electronics in terms of creating them? I’m particularly interested in building my own keyboards and other PC peripherals, but I’m not sure what tools I would need, or what’s a good knowledge base if I run into any issues. Any tips and or suggestions?


Glad to help! I find it quite neat that with effort and time, it’s possible to learn to make quite advanced electronic systems yourself at home. Some of the stuff the more advanced hobbyists make is quite a bit better than a lot of mass-produced goods. We truly live in an age of wonders!

Neat trick for desoldering many-pin components (

I just came across this and thought I’d share. I’ve struggled to get headers and IC’s off boards after soldering them on backwards/upside down. This video shows a cool trick with a piece of copper wire that makes them very easy and quick to get off without expensive tooling. I was thoroughly impressed. Hope someone else...


Haha, I’ve done that too. However sometimes it rips the pads off or otherwise damages the vias. So instead I cut them along the other axis (parallel to the PCB), then remove the remaining nibs.

These days I mostly use a hot air rework station though. In my city this is integrated with many soldering stations on the market, for maybe an extra 10$. I think mine is Yihua brand, it’s quite OK.


Hm, that’s an unusual issue! I don’t know off the top of my head, but I’ll ask a few questions that might help diagnose the problem.

What kind of soldering iron are you using? A soldering station, or a dollar store ‘firestarter’? Also the wattage? It should be printed on it somewhere.

What type of solder are you using? It’s electronics solder, right?

You’re not getting molten plastic on the soldering iron tip? That tends to ruin them pretty fast.


There’s some part of my brain that applies display:none to the upvote/downvote function on every platform.

So if I don’t vote on your content it’s not because I hate it. My brain is just wired to automatically edit out anything that’s not content. Mostly this means ads, but voting features seem to have been caught in the net too.


Are you in Quebec? The CEGEP system there is specifically a great and cheap way to try out multiple career paths. It’s like a mix of trade school and the freshman year of every university faculty.

It’s still a system that sort of pushes you into university without any experience of what doing a real job is like, but it’s at least a good way to explore the academic side of a wide variety of subjects.

ESP32 with multiple cameras

I want to connect five OV2640 cameras via FPC to an ESP32 on a custom PCB. Is this generally possible and does the ESP32 have enough power for this or do I need an ESP32 for each camera? The frames per second are not so important as the cameras will be used as QR code scanners. Which components allow to run so many cameras with...


I suppose you could use a bus or something to cycle through the cameras one at a time?

Why not use a lower-resolution I2C camera module? I2C allows multiple devices to be connected to the same I2C port, as long as they have different addresses. You can also use one with lower resolution for QR I suspect.

An alternate method would be to buy QR-code recognition modules, with some form of serial output. Then connect all of those to the ESP32, if you can do 5 software serial ports. More expensive this way though.


Ah, by ‘particle’ in this context I mean ‘single helium nuclei traveling near the speed of light’. Not counting dust particles e.g. in a clean room.

If I’ve misunderstood the situation and I actually can use light diffusion in this context, I would love to hear more!


I've gotten a similar circuit to work. Good shielding on the preamp was indeed key.

That was like 12 years ago though. Back then I used a battery. I probably know enough to get it working with a switched power supply now, which would be way more convenient.

The PIN diodes aren't cheap though! Also some are export controlled. Not the one from that project though. I have a few around that I'll use if I can't get this to work.

The BJT method is attractive due to really low cost. I never managed to get it working though. There are enough independent reports of the method working online that I think it's possible, but the documentation hasn't been sufficient to easily replicate it.

It might be something boring like some manufacturers put a clear coating (e.g. glass) on the internals of a type of transistor, and others don't.


Yeah, no harm in giving it a quick test I guess, will only take me 5 mins when I'm back at my bench.


I suspect the reason it's not working, is something I don't currently have the tools to measure.

With an OK reflected light microscope I could work out whether there's a glass or clear epoxy coating on the silicon. With an alpha spectroscope, I could characterize the source better. Tools are cheap in Asia, but the space to put them costs a fortune...

So I'm going to shelve this for now and maybe try to build a BJT amplifier for a PIN photodiode detector. I've etched some boards. Fingers crossed.

the smart thing of course would be to buy a scintillator crystal, but I hate the inelegance of it. It shouldn't be necessary.


I tried with cooked bone, that tends to be what I have more of lying around :D

I don't recall the voltage I tried, but it was probably something in the range of 5-9v. I didn't try with a very thin slice, it was a few mm thick. Probably a thinner slice is the thing to try. That's a bit hard with bird bones (hollow), so maybe I'll have to cook something else. I don't have a microtome, so I'll have to cut some thin slices by trial and error.

I would hazard a bet that orientation matters. The studies that measured bone piezoelectricity seemed to suggest some orientations made more sense than others, but I don't recall what exactly. In any case, they had... very different applications in mind.


Are you in Vietnam too?

I can’t remember the last time I saw a person walking on a sidewalk. It’s all bikes, except for a small area downtown (and even then…).

MOSFET as Radiation Detector

Hello, we are making a thesis where we use MOSFETs as an alternative radiation detector. So to explain it, it works when the mosfet is irradiated with an external radiation source; its voltage threshold increases, which will be used to determine the radiation dose. I'm currently asking for help on how we measure the voltage...

Saigonauticon, (edited )

Interesting, I've never thought of doing it exactly this way. Usually I see high surface area PIN junctions used to detect particle impact either by reverse biasing the junction or by directly measuring induced voltage. The amplification stage is not so easy. This is for particle counting and energy measurement though.

What kind of radiation are you measuring? Gamma I guess?

I guess the first thing that comes to mind is that for a given signal, as Vgs increases perhaps the on-resistance at a given voltage does too? If so, it might be easy to measure the voltage drop across the MOSFET on resistance and how it changes with dose.

If I think of anything else though, I'll let you know!

Edit: I suppose you could also use an R/2R network to provide an increasing voltage to the MOSFET base, and measure the point where the output reaches some threshold, a direct measurement of Vgs. That should be pretty easy using one full output port of an Arduino and one of the ADCs.

Dispose of financial records? You got it, boss.

So I once made the mistake permitting a client to store some (say a dozen) boxes of financial records in my home for a couple of weeks. By 'permit', I mean they just dumped them there, and I didn't physically restrain them from leaving. This is in Vietnam, where you are required by law to keep your corporate records for 35...


Maybe someday, but it's exhausting. I would probably be much happier if I just closed shop and went to do a PhD. I might even be able to afford to, in a couple of years.

Then maybe teach engineering in some unknown university in the countryside. Or run a machine shop that helps artists make things. Or just build alarmingly large robots for no reason at all.

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