The OG OG Jewish afterlife was pretty metal. Souls didn’t exist yet thanks to the ancient greeks philosophy, and you pretty much just died and woke up after all time to live with god in your physical body.
A solid strategy is to build as many research stations as possible and grab everything that increases reswarch speed when its there. If you do it right you’ll start fielding your first battleships while others are still outfitting their first destroyers.
Can’t most of the squabbles be squashed in the modern era with a smartphone? Before, your aunt would always play JO insisting it was a word, but you know thats bs. So you search it and find Jo is actually a word used in Scotland. On a second note, I am futher into a discussion about scrabble than I ever thought would be interesting lol
Something about it just seems to miss the point of the game. You would think their dictionary would be cut down to include commonly known words mixed in with some eccentric ones. If anything, to prevent a situation like this where tournament players are just memorizing gobbledygook for points. Seems like it muttles the fun.