We had something similar to get people to by electric cars where I live. It was removed some years ago, and what I remember most from that is a woman on the news talking about how she just spontaneously bought a new car before the benefit went away, just because why not the benefit is going away soon might as well just buy a new car.
They touched on that a little bit in Superman Redson, Lex tried to make a Superman clone and its x-ray vision did all the horrible things of an actual x-ray. It was a super short bit, but I found it neat.
They have actually found way of making some of them so that they ether don’t leave needles around or if they do that needles are soft. Super nice, it has been our tree type of choice for a few years now.
Definitely agree, but then I want to see a movie where he went all in for a bigger part of it. I have gotten some good suggestions, that I will ad to the list.
Food, beer, friends, nature, family, work, snow there is probably some more reasons people would like to go to Germany and some just go to visit the concentration camps.
I think a lot of people sees Heaths performances and go this is awesome that makes this an awesome movie, didn’t help that he died around the same time.
This then lead to it being this best movie ever meme, where anyone that didn’t think so was hevely down voted and sometimes insulted and it managed to remain like that for many many years.
Personally I hold the opinion that while Heath did a incredible performance, had he had a better script and maybe even a none Batman script. It would have been an absolutely marvellous performance. Also that as he did such a good job but the rest of the movie didn’t, he’s work stod out more as being really good.
Completely agree and quite some of the Batman comics I have read I would not give to a child, far to much violence and quite a lot of very dark theams. Young teens are around when I would start being comfortable letting them read those and that’s still requires me to actually know them to some degree to make that judgement.